BioEnergy Discussion Lists
are informal technical mailing lists for organized around the following bioenergy topics
are informal technical mailing lists for organized around the following bioenergy topics
To participate in a the technical conversation about improving biomass cooking stoves in English, join the Biomass Cooking Stoves Email List
Or join our Spanish language email list the Cocinas y Estufas Mejoradas
We our proud of our panel of experts and practitioners that use this list to engage in technical conversations, resolve problems and improve stove dissemination. Most of the conversation focuses around designing better biomass stoves, for whom the 3 stone fire, or an un-improved stove are the main alternatives. The goal remains to help the poorest people in the world gain access to better cooking options.
For a technical conversation about the development of safe, efficient, economical, and environmentally preferable thermal biomass gasification processes, join the Gasification Email List
From conversations about combined heat and power systems to wood gas heaters and drive on wood systems, we are intersted in the wide variety of biomass gasification applications worldwide.
For pictures and details about select projects including links to find references and more information see the Biomass Gasification web site
To learn more about Biochar, intentional charcoal in soil, and participate in the main discussion on the Biochar (Terra Preta) Discussion Group
Tom Miles has provided web hosting and technical support for the bioenergy web sites at bioenergylists.org since 2004 and assumed responsibility for hosting the mailing lists in 2010.
TR Miles Technical Consultants Inc.
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
TR Miles Technical Consultants assist the development, design and installation of Agricultural and Industrial Systems for Materials Handling, Air Quality and Biomass Energy; Renewable energy from biomass and wastes.