For more information about Gasifiers and Gasification, please see our web site:
To join the discussion list and see the current archives, please use this page:
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Mon Sep 2 13:42:51 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: Oak wood data
Message-ID: <960902174440_73002.1213_FHM62-5@CompuServe.COM>
Dear Mogens:
Good news: Most biomass has an energy content of 20 Mj/kg on a dry ash free
basis, so if you don't need more accuracy for engineering purposes, use that.
There will probably be more variation from trunk to limbs than from species to
species. Unfortunately, "Oak" is very promiscuous, and there is a lot of
intermarriage, so it is hard to pin down any particular species.
Our "Atlas of Thermal Data for Biomass and Other Fuels" (NREL/TP-433-7965)
Fixed C Volatiles Ash C H O N
S HHV-kJ/g
Tan Oak 12.4 87.1 0.50 48.3 6.12 45.0 0.03 0.03
White Oak17.2 81.2 1.52 49.5 5.38 43.1 0.35 0.01 19.42
I hope this is useful. I'll be in Denmark weekk Sept. 30. See Soren Houmiller.
Tom Reed
From astrupgard at Tue Sep 3 03:50:46 1996
From: astrupgard at (Nils Peter Astrupgaard)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: coupled-gasifier-combustor
Message-ID: <>
This message is sent on both the gasification and bioenergy lists.
I think I will propose the phrase "gasifier combustion" or maybe I will
stick to the phrase I used up to now "Two Stage Combustion (TSC)". Another
widely used phrase in the US is "starved air combustion" which in fact also
could be expressed as "Fuel Rich Combustion" or as e.g. Allisson mentions
it: "Rich, (Qench), Lean Combustion".
Maybe the expression "Rich/Lean Combustion (RLC)" is the best phrase.
Our TSC or RLC unit runs very fuel rich as a gasifier and the gas is burnt
imediately afterwards in a cyclonic burner at relatively high temperature. I
consider such a system to be a kind of combustion system, whereas a system
where you extract gas, clean it and maybe store it for later use must be a
true gasification system.
This was my input to the discussion
By the way I am a bit anxious to know more about the "Producers Rice Mill
System". Could you help me?
Nils Peter
At 08:25 AM 8/30/96 EDT, Thomas Reed wrote:
> I would like to propose the phrase
>"coupled-gasifier-combustor" for a dedicated gasifier feeding a boiler or
>that is at some minor distance, as in the Producers RIce MIlls system
>feet of insulated pipe to the boiler).
"close coupled" would be gasification and combustion in separate vessels.
"staged combustor" has been used for modular incinerators where a mostly
reducing chamber is followed by an afterburner or oxidizing chamber.
If you look at the CO2 in the gas of most of the small scale
gasifier-combustors installed in the early 1980s they often look like staged
Tom Miles, Jr. Thomas R. Miles, Consulting Design Engineer 5475 SW Arrowwood Lane
Tel (503) 591-1947 Fax (503) 292-2919 Portland, Oregon, USA
From solync at Tue Sep 3 14:32:55 1996
From: solync at (carol cross)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Economics of growing biomas for electricity
Message-ID: <>
To the list,
I am interested in systems for electricty generation for free standing
villages in tropical countries. These villages would grow bioomass such
as kenaf, Leucaena, and use agroresidues for generating electricity.
Can anyone give me leaads to where I can find the economics of growing
and gasification of biomass for electrcitiy generation.
Sharing and caring,
Dr. Carol
Carol Cross, Ph.D. EcoAgroForestry Founder
Email: Phone & FAX: 501-367-8736.
2801 Olive, #35A, Suite 113, PO Box 5208, Pine Bluff, AR 71611.
For Free Western Hemisphere Export Trade Newsletter send email saying
SUBSCRIBE WESHEMOL. Together we Can Create A Sustainable World Through
EcoAgroForestry (Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Forestry and Rural
AgroIndustrial Development) by growing Kenaf, utilizing AgroResidues,
forming consortiums, & developing Rural AgroIndustrial Centers (RAICs)
or EcoAgroForestry Village Business Incubators(VBI). Free Kenaf
Newsletter - Just Say SUBSCRIBE KENAFOL. Join us.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)
From bywateri at Tue Sep 3 17:27:11 1996
From: bywateri at (Ian Bywater)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Economics of growing biomas for electricity
Message-ID: <>
At 12:56 PM 3/09/96 -0500, you wrote:
>To the list,
>I am interested in systems for electricty generation for free standing
>villages in tropical countries.
As I said recently, I am sure one of your best chances for making a real
change is the use of Stirling engines. The other is to use small scale
gasifiers like the Fluidyne. This is happening now, and the SE development
may not be too long in becoming a reality.
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Wed Sep 4 18:09:29 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: coupled-gasifier-combustor
Message-ID: <960904221159_73002.1213_FHM73-2@CompuServe.COM>
Dear Nils et al:
The Producers Rice Mill Energy System gasifier is made by PRMES, Ron Bailey Jr.
Pres. at 501 767 2100 or 6968 FAX. It is a COUPLED (25 feet insulated pipe),
but not close coupled gasifier. There are 15 installed systems around the
world. It was designed primarily for rice hulls, but works on other materials.
I visited the Cargill Rice mill unit in Greenville Miss last December, just as
it came on line. THere are two 7 ton/hr gasifiers feeding one boiler for
process heat or 7.5 MW of power output. I was very well impressed. They will be
installing several for other US rice mills.
From sturn at Wed Sep 4 23:39:36 1996
From: sturn at (Scott Turn)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: coupled-gasifier-combustor
In-Reply-To: <960904221159_73002.1213_FHM73-2@CompuServe.COM>
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.93.960904172847.20356B-100000@uhunix5>
does anyone have a cost per lb of steam computed for the PRMES gasifier
system versus a conventional boiler, given an equal steam pressure? What
was the steam pressure of the Cargill System?
On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Thomas Reed wrote:
> Dear Nils et al:
> The Producers Rice Mill Energy System gasifier is made by PRMES, Ron Bailey Jr.
> Pres. at 501 767 2100 or 6968 FAX. It is a COUPLED (25 feet insulated pipe),
> but not close coupled gasifier. There are 15 installed systems around the
> world. It was designed primarily for rice hulls, but works on other materials.
> I visited the Cargill Rice mill unit in Greenville Miss last December, just as
> it came on line. THere are two 7 ton/hr gasifiers feeding one boiler for
> process heat or 7.5 MW of power output. I was very well impressed. They will be
> installing several for other US rice mills.
> Yours, TOM REED
From houmoller at Thu Sep 5 05:00:17 1996
From: houmoller at (S?ren Houm?ller)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Specific load
Message-ID: <>
For a sketch project I need some preliminary values for the specific load on
fluid bed gasifiers.
The problem is this: How large must my reactor be to gasify a given amount
of biomass? If I know the specific load in units of amount of fuel per area
per time (for instance kg wood fuel / square meter / second) I can estimate
the size of my reactor for a given fuel input.
Soren Houmoller,
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Sun Sep 8 08:45:40 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: coupled-gasifier-combustor
Message-ID: <960908124751_73002.1213_FHM40-1@CompuServe.COM>
Scott Turn:
I don't have the number you request, (cost of steam and efficiency) but there
was a posting yesterday from Ron Bailie, Pres. PRMES of a new address,
eaftdc@seark net. Why not write him directly, or I am forwarding this to him.
I'll be interested in his answer.
(Note to Bailie: What is the eaftdc in your address? Hope this goes through.)
Good luck, TOM REED
Thomas B. Reed 303 278 0558 V
1810 Smith Rd., 303 278 0560 FX
Golden, CO 80401
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Mon Sep 9 09:33:25 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Copy of: Cellulose to Ethanol Plants and Gasifiers
Message-ID: <960909133501_73002.1213_FHM70-1@CompuServe.COM>
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Thomas Reed, 73002,1213
TO: "Harry W. Parker",
DATE: 9/7/96 9:35 AM
RE: Copy of: Cellulose to Ethanol Plants and Gasifiers
To Bioenergy Optimists:
Yes there are many success stories in bioenergy. However, Tom Miles's and Harry
Parker's comments on actual plants built and return from those plants says that
we should evaluate our past history honestly for the sake of those contemplating
new ventures.
In 1979 we surveyed the field of biomass gasifiers. Of the 31 discussed there,
about 20 are no longer "in business", a high mortality rate. Many new gasifiers
have now begun and our future is looking bright.
The first cellulose hydrolysis plants were built during WW I. Many optimists
think that cellulose hydrolysis is commercial. However, I have been hearing
that for 20 years and I could probably find a dozen projects that are now
Caveat Emptor! We do not improve our biomass energy prospects by selling
non-commercial projects to pigeons.
PS: (I would also address this to the Ethanol group if I knew their address.
Please supply, anyone.)
Thomas B. Reed 303 278 0558 V
1810 Smith Rd., 303 278 0560 FX
Golden, CO 80401
From tmiles at Mon Sep 9 12:50:42 1996
From: tmiles at (Tom Miles)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Copy of: Cellulose to Ethanol Plants and Gasifiers
Message-ID: <>
The survey I remember that was quite useful was your "Engineering and
Economic Characteristics of Commercial Wood Gasifiers in North America (SERI
1982)" with Hodam & Associates. I hope that your current study will run
along similar lines: system overview, fuel and gas characteristics, good
process evaluation, material and energy balance, and economics.
It was clear from the applications which ones were likely to endure. That
was really the first "widespread" application of gasification in 40 years.
At 09:35 AM 9/9/96 EDT, Thomas Reed wrote:
>In 1979 we surveyed the field of biomass gasifiers. Of the 31 discussed there,
>about 20 are no longer "in business", a high mortality rate. Many new
>have now begun and our future is looking bright.
> : ( TOM REED
Tom Miles, Jr. Thomas R. Miles, Consulting Design Engineer 5475 SW Arrowwood Lane
Tel (503) 591-1947 Fax (503) 292-2919 Portland, Oregon, USA 97225-1353
From tmiles at Thu Sep 12 20:07:19 1996
From: tmiles at (Tom Miles)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Bioenergy Lists and Commands
Message-ID: <>
The bioenergy mailing lists are hosted by the Center for Renewable Energy &
Sustainable Technologies(CREST) for industry, academia and government to
discuss biomass production and conversion to energy. There are four lists at
o Bioenergy (
Moderators: Tom Miles (,
Tom Stanton (
o Gasification (
Moderators: Tom Reed (73002.1213@CompuServe.COM)
o Anaerobic Digestion (
Moderators: Phil Lusk (
Richard Nelson
Dave Stephenson
o Stoves (
Moderators: Ronal Larson(,
Etienne Moerman (
Current subscribers to the list are engaged in the research and commercial
production of biomass crops and fuels, the conversion of biomass power in
commercial operating plants, the construction and testing of commercial
scale pilot facilities for combustion, gasification and anaerobic digestion,
testing and analysis of environmental impacts for bioenergy, and promotion
and planning of future bioenergy resources.
This is a cooperative, volunteer effort that is now in it's third year. The
lists are moderated and managed by volunteers. We appreciate the support of
the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies and the
National Bioenergy Industries Association for hosting the lists at their site.
While there is no fee to subscribe to the list contributions are welcome and
will be necessary to sustain the lists. Please contact Tom Miles
To subscribe to the BIOENERGY Lists from any internet email address, please
send email to MAJORDOMO@CREST.ORG with the message
SUBSCRIBE list-name YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS <=three word command
(Example: subscribe bioenergy
To post a message to all members on the list, please address it to
UNSUBSCRIBE list-name YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS <=three word command
(Example: unsubscribe bioenergy
Note: If you send a subscribe/unsubscribe command for an email address that
is different from the one known to the list server - for example, you may
send a subscribe command on behalf of someone else - then your message will
go to the list moderator for approval.
OTHER COMMANDS - Send email to with the command 'help'.
Messages are archived at CREST using hypermail. The archives can be viewed
and sorted by date, subject or thread using a WWW browser at URL (ors
as indicated above). CREST (Solstice) also supports WWW, gopher and ftp for
renewable energy at
Each list also has a digest, a collection of messages that is issued
periodically. This may be useful if you want to recieve messages in a batch.
Subscribe to the as indicated above.
(Example: subscribe
World Wide Web
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~
Anonymous FTP
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
You can contact CREST at +1 202 289-5370,
or by sending email to
Please direct questions to the bioenergy list administrators:
Tom Miles, Jr.
Tom Stanton
Andrew Waegel
Tom Miles, Jr.
September 12, 1996
Tom Miles, Jr. Thomas R. Miles, Consulting Design Engineer 5475 SW Arrowwood Lane
Tel (503) 591-1947 Fax (503) 292-2919 Portland, Oregon, USA 97225-1353
From apchick at Fri Sep 13 05:19:22 1996
From: apchick at (apchick)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Bioenergy Lists and Commands
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Could anyone let me know if there is an anaerobic digester operating on Farm
based slurry anywhere in the UK?
I am an M'Phil Student at De Montfort University, and would be intrested in
visiting an operating digester.
E-mail me direct
Thank you....
Andrew P Chick
De Montfort University
School of Agriculture and Horticulture
Caythorpe Campus
Lincolnshire NG32 9EP
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Sat Sep 14 07:26:45 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Message-ID: <960914112814_73002.1213_FHM34-1@CompuServe.COM>
I am pleased to announce that NREL has just published a landmark book/report,
OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE, by W. R. Niessen, C. H. Marks, and R. E. Sommerlad
of Camp Dresser & McKee.
The authors initially contacted 50 firms active in the field of gasification and
pyrolysis. From these they selected 7 firms that are either commercial or
approaching commercial status and wrote 15-25 page reports on the current status
of each technology. I am still reading it, so can't give a detailed report, but
clearly anyone interested in this challenging field needs to read this 200 page
It is availale to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and
Technical Information (OSTI), Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, call 423 576 8401 for
Or it is available from Sally Evans at NREL, (, 303 275
3000; or from NTIS, the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd.,
Springfield, VA 22161, call 703 487 4650.
My apologies for announcing this to both BIOENERGY and GASIFICATION, but I
suspect that there are BIOENERGY members who have not yet joined GASIFICATION
and might miss our announcements on GASIFICATION. Join GASIFICATION today if
these things interest you, by sending the message "subscribe gasification" to
Good reading to all of you, TOM REED
Thomas B. Reed 303 278 0558 V
1810 Smith Rd., 303 278 0560 FX
Golden, CO 80401
From eaftdc at Sun Sep 15 16:40:14 1996
From: eaftdc at (Carol Cross)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: Welcome to gasification
Message-ID: <>
Share your gasification knowhow with African Rural Women
New OnLine Newsletter
Rural African Women's Food Fuel and Feed On Line Network
An Internet newsletter of practical suggestions for rural African women to
improve their lives. Written for rural women and those who support them
such as Peace Corp workers, Missionaries, NGOs, women in development groups,
African women are carrying the burden of rural development in Africa on
their backs. While we can do little to change the social structures that
burden African women, or modify African Society, we can help lighten their
burdens. There are new appropriate technologies, marketing outlets, and
support systems designed to help women. But how to get that information to
a woman in the bush.
This newsletter is designed to pull together caring women into RAWFFFOL
Sharing groups to create an information flow from those who have knowhow to
women who need it. You can be a conduit of such information by becoming a
RAWFFFOL Information Transfer Volunteer.
There is no cost. Just be willing to share yourself with African women
through a wide variety of channels from the Peace Corp to the mission of
many churches.
We invite you and any African women or women of African descent to
participate in this network through RAWFFFOL by sharing ideas. We are
especially interested in how the Internet can support this mission.
If you are interested in sharing in developing this information conduit for
rural African women, please send an email to and say Subscribe RAWFFFOL
Sharing and caring,
Dr. Carol
If you would like to RECEIVE this FREE OnLine Newsletter, send this message
Volume 1, Number 1 October 1, 1996
Editor and Publisher, Dr. Carol Cross
RAWFFFOL is an internet newsletter focused on providing support and
information technology to African village rural women. RAWFFFOL is being
presented just like any printed magazine or newsletter. You can contribute
articles, ask questions and assist these hardworking women in providing
food for their families, fuel so they do not have to cut trees for firewood,
and livestock feed for their small herds. This newsletter is available at
no cost to you. This newsletter is for you if you are presently working with
programs to assist African rural women or are a woman in a village in Africa.
ISSUE # 1 Tentative articles scheduled
1. Reviving the YUM - How Cameroonian women used to work together and how
it can be redeveloped
2. Food drying systems for rainy weather - building food dryers from bamboo
and local materials
3. Giza sorghum for firewood production
4. Small scale production of kenaf in a cut and carry program
Send in your listing, questions and requests for the PREMIERE issue to be
published in October 1996.
*SPECIAL REQUEST - African women are needed as country coordinators for
this newsletter. If you are originally from an African country, please
contact Dr. Carol Cross at for more information.
Carol Cross, Ph.D. EcoAgroForestry Founder
Email: Phone & FAX: 501-367-8736.
P O Box 398, Parma, MI 49269
For Free Western Hemisphere Export Trade Newsletter send email saying
SUBSCRIBE WESHEMOL. Together we Can Create A Sustainable World Through
EcoAgroForestry (Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Forestry and Rural
AgroIndustrial Development) by growing Kenaf, utilizing AgroResidues,
forming consortiums, & developing Rural AgroIndustrial Centers (RAICs) or
EcoAgroForestry Village Business Incubators(VBI). Free Kenaf Newsletter -
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)
From gayathri at Wed Sep 18 04:47:45 1996
From: gayathri at (Gayathri)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: IISc Gasifier
Message-ID: <>
Please lookinto our website at
for information about Gasification.
If u can write to us if u need any further information
with subject as IISc Gasifier
Gayathri V
Project Engineer
Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Lab.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IISc . Banngalore 560 012 Phone :(off) +90-80-3092338 or 3348536
(Res) :+990-80-6632717
Fax :+90-80-3341683
E-mail :
Nothing is Impossible if u don't have to do it yourself
From houmoller at Wed Sep 18 05:25:36 1996
From: houmoller at (S?ren Houm?ller)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: IISc Gasifier
Message-ID: <>
Dear Gayathri,
It seems like a good site, but you might want to simplify your 1072K
startup-picture. It takes forever to download from India, even on an
Soren Houmoller for gasification projects in Denmark
Please lookinto our website at
for information about Gasification.
If u can write to us if u need any further information
with subject as IISc Gasifier
Gayathri V
Project Engineer
Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Lab.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IISc . Banngalore 560 012 Phone :(off) +90-80-3092338 or
(Res) :+990-80-6632717
Fax :+90-80-3341683
E-mail :
Nothing is Impossible if u don't have to do it yourself
From gayathri at Wed Sep 18 09:52:11 1996
From: gayathri at (Gayathri)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: IISc Gasifier
Message-ID: <>
From gayathri at Wed Sep 18 10:30:50 1996
From: gayathri at (Gayathri)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: IISc Gasifier
Message-ID: <>
I know it will be too slow, thats another reason
we have reduced putting lot of photographs.
in netscape don't allow it to do auto loading of images
i think then it might improve , even then i know our link
i.e to india is quite slow, hope to get a faster line.
Please send your mailing address to us to put your
name in our mailing list, i can send our news letter to u
Gayathri V
Project Engineer
Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Lab.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IISc . Banngalore 560 012 Phone :(off) +90-80-3092338 or 3348536
(Res) :+990-80-6632717
Fax :+90-80-3341683
E-mail :
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Fri Sep 20 11:37:56 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Tom Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: Hottenroth stove Information: Coming Ice Age
Message-ID: <960920153823_73002.1213_FHM30-1@CompuServe.COM>
Dear Bhatta and Bioenrgy all:
Most of us are talking stove, meanwhile Fred Hottenroth is making and selling
biomass stoves.
Fred Hottenroth Sr. is in his "young" nineties, Fred Jr. is possibly in his
sixties, retired from an aerospace Co. My son lives in Long Beach, (next to Los
Alimitor) and last time I was there we visited Fred Sr. in his retirement
community. We demonstrated the "blue flame" stove. Fred was interested, but
thinks it needs "hardening to commercialization. I have previously visited his
production facility and met a crew of East Indians punching and assembling.
I have a thick file on the Freds and quite a few of his stoves (five models?) in
my laboratory. Last week we took his Sierra camp stove up to our remote 6 acres
and used it to brew coffee with miscellaneous pine twigs for fuel. The Sierra
is unique in that it uses one AA cell to power a tiny blower - and that makes
all the difference in combustion. (See Miles's comments on jet burner and
boundary layers.) Fred's advertisement says"Heats like a blacksmith's forge;
18,000 Btu/hr; Easy heat control; boils quart (liter) of water in 4 minutes;
weight 15 oz; size: 4" X 5".
Batteries too expensive for developing countries you say? Fred says fan runs
thirty hours and batteries in Nepal are 0.10c. They are setting up
manufacturing in Katmandu for a slightly larger Sierra stove. I am considering
bringing it with me on my trip.
Best to write Fred directly for info and prices. at 10806 Kaylor St., Los
Alamitos, CA 900720; 213 598 3220; Fax : 310 98 6643.
Fred is also intensely interested in climate and weather and we have considered
writing a joint paper on the subject. He has written "Weather or Not: The
Villain - Global Warming; Tthe Hero - Reforestation. I have told him that it
will be difficult to penetrate the defenses of the Climate Nazis; and that we
can do much more good with better stoves. (At a recent library sale I bought
"THE COOLING: HAS THE NEXT ICE AGE BEGUN? by Lowell Ponte, 1976 blessed by
Stephan Schneider, then Deputy Head, Climate Project, NCAR. I keep it next to
my Global Warming books as an antidote when they get too hot.
If someone faxes to Fred, I would appreciate their faxing a copy of this letter.
He says his E-mail address is I'll
send this to him, but I havn't had other messages go through yet. I would love
to have him, them, on our stove net.
I wish Father-Son teams would use different given names. First we have Tom
Milles, Sr. and Jr. and now Fred Hottenroth, Sr. and Jr. Powerful combinations,
but confused addresses sometimes. Fred Jr. - are you out there???
Affectionately, TOM REED
PS: Is STOVES a subset or alternate set to BIOENERGY? I started to write this to
Bhata, then decided it would interest stovers, then when I got on climate I
added bioener;gy. Should I be more restrictive? Can I assume that bioenergy
folds read stoves? One solution would be to make two letters. But in this
scase the two are intertwined.
Ron Larson: Great to see you and Gretchen yesterday. What a trip you had.
From npandit at Tue Sep 24 11:13:17 1996
From: npandit at (NITIN PANDIT)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: references please
Message-ID: <>
What recent references would you suggest for gasification-combustion of
rice hulls? In particular, I am looking for how the operation of the
gasifier-combustor affects the ash characteristics.
Nitin Pandit
From houmoller at Wed Sep 25 10:47:44 1996
From: houmoller at (S?ren Houm?ller)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Centre for Biomass Technology
Message-ID: <>
Hi list,
I put the updated homepage of Centre for Biomass Technology on the address
I hope you find the time to visit it and give me some feedback.
If you have a site you think we should make a link to, please let me know.
The best,
Soren Houmoller,
From BeedieD at Thu Sep 26 09:14:31 1996
From: BeedieD at (David Beedie)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: biomass/gas-turbines, <1MW thermal
Message-ID: <>
Hello there bioenergy,
I need to find out about current R&D projects into running small gas
turbines (<1MW thermal) on gas produced from biomass, and I'd be
grateful for any information you can provide about such projects,
most useful would be current names and addresses, but any leads would
be appreciated.
[ I'm asking on behalf of Kit Wallis, who has an interest in this
area. I will forward any responses to him until such time as he
joins the group.]
(Dr) David Beedie
School of Engineering, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Tel. 01222 874683 (office)
762197 (home)
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Thu Sep 26 22:29:41 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Tom Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: Downdraft stoves down through history
Message-ID: <960927011220_73002.1213_FHM45-1@CompuServe.COM>
Dear Kirk:
Glad to have you in the dialogue. Thanks much for the historical reference and
"cats piss". This afternoon I demonstrated the same principle with a cigar to
the gasificatin conference, blowing air through the hot coals giving almost no
smoke compared to drawing it back through the mouth. Its good to see that the
principles of Nature continue the same, even though our needs may change.
Try it. The difference is dramatic. (Keep some mouthwash handy if you're not a
I do remember the J stove in Hawaii a dozen years ago. I suppose that was a
part of my thinking when I developed the "inverted downdraft". However, in the
J stove you are pulling hot gases down through the bed when they want to go up,
thereby creating intolerable instabilities.
Regards, hope you like your new surroundings, TOM
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Thu Sep 26 23:56:52 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Tom Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: Distribution of gas from biomass
Message-ID: <960927011234_73002.1213_FHM45-6@CompuServe.COM>
Dear Grant:
1) Producer gas from biomass can't be liquefied at ordinary pressure and
temperature like propane. Sorry.
2) In Shandong Province, China they have developed a "village gasifier" what
supplies the whole fillage through PVC pipes for cooking and lighting, maybe a
generator. Several model villages are in operation. There is one central
gasifier and a gas holder. For details, see
You are on the right track. There are 2-3B people cooking inefficiently over
smoky fires.
Regards, TOM REED
From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Mon Sep 30 16:20:55 1996
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Tom Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:13 2004
Subject: GAS-L: RE: Lets look at radiation
Message-ID: <960930202313_73002.1213_FHM68-6@CompuServe.COM>
Continuing ...
In an updraft gasifier th grate is typically at 1000-1200 C from the combustion
of charcoal; and so bottom radiation is quite high. Access to steam with the
updraft air can moderate it and increase hydrogen production.
In the typical downdraft gasifier the grate is 700 C (due to the endothermic
reaction of H20 and CO2 from above), so bottom losses are MUCH less. And don't
forget, radiation loss goes up at T4.
PS-Etienne: I am visiting some E-mail pen pals and I'll be at Eindhoven Friday
- hope I see you there.
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