[Terrapreta] the most terrifying video...climate change

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Sat Dec 8 14:40:54 EST 2007

Hi Kevin,

The effect of cosmic rays on cloud formation and the consequent effects on Global Warming are magnitudes smaller than "radiative forcing" caused by GHG concentrations.  The reduction of solar activity and increase in cosmic rays that occurred during Maunder Minimum has cycled to those levels before that and has continued to cycle down and above those levels since then.  Resultant warming and cooling effects are not cycling with this.  Warming is the continuous trend.  Do I need to find the scientific research that backs up this claim for you?  It is not my assertion alone.  It is the reason that cosmic rays were dismissed as the most likely cause of the recent global warming episode.

You call the assumption that humans can undertake activities to effect changes in the climate a "fatal flaw".  That follows from your assumption that global warming is not anthropogenic.  You think and reduce the effect of 6 billion humans on the environment as if we are all wiafs, blowing in the wind, wrought only by Mother Nature.  Humans CHANGED the world.  They can change it again.

I do not find Svensmark's work credible, mostly because he alone states this, with an idea (not a theory), and most anyone else with the capacity to measure the effect he attributes global warming to DO NOT AGREE WITH HIM.  They have conducted research, produced replicated data, and published it in peer reviewed scientific journals (not in interviews in media, pseudo-science rags like Popular Science and Discover).  The findings of these other researchers are backed up with similar research by others.

Svansmark's interview article is title "Sun's Shifts May Cause Global Warming".  He posits no evidence to support this claim.  He tells a story, an opinion.  This "idea" has been refuted many times by real scientific research that states unequivocally, with supportive evidence, that the effect of cosmic rays on Global Warming is not significant enough to answer the recent Global Warming trend.

You still are not reading the www.ipcc.ch<http://www.ipcc.ch/> site material yet, are you?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kevin Chisholm<mailto:kchisholm at ca.inter.net> 
  To: MMBTUPR at aol.com<mailto:MMBTUPR at aol.com> 
  Cc: terrapreta at bioenergylists.org<mailto:terrapreta at bioenergylists.org> 
  Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] the most terrifying video...climate change

  Deasr LewisMMBTUPR at aol.com<mailto:LewisMMBTUPR at aol.com> wrote:
  >      from   Lewis L Smith
  > If I have understood the video correctly, the overwhelming reason for 
  > doing something about GW is that the penalty for doing nothing and 
  > being mistaken is so much greater than the penalty for doing something 
  > and being mistaken.  >
  Yes, that is a very good way to put it. However, the fatal flaw in his 
  presentation is the assumption that Man can undertake activities which 
  will significantly improve on the outcome.

  If we assume, for the sake of discussion, that Global Warming is caused 
  by Cosmic Rays, and their effect on cloud cover, then we are worse off  
  implementing the present "generally accepted" corrective actions, ie, 
  basically, reducing greenhouse gases. We would be "doing an excellent 
  job of doing the wrong thing." If GW was indeed being caused by cosmic 
  rays, and if Man is presently powerless to control the cosmic rays that 
  cause cloud formation, then Man should be looking for ways to counteract 
  cloud formations caused by cosmic rays, OR, in finding ways to live with GW.

  I have read the URL on Svensmark's work, and it is a credible 
  presentation. I can find no flaws in it.

  Can you, or any other List Members see any serious flaws in his conclusions?

  Best wishes,

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