[Terrapreta] Catalyst: Carbon Bigfoot

lou gold lou.gold at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 14:57:48 EST 2007

Hey Sean,

I can not agree more:
The biggest problem I see to the formation of Terra Preta soils is that
charcoal is currently more highly valued as a "carbon neutral" fuel, rather
than as a valuable soil amendment, that can improve soils, and sequester
carbon.  Got any ideas to change that perception!?

*My particular solution is to rely on the a new economy that gives offset
credits for carbon sequestered in the soil. This can make a level playing
field between fuel and soil amendment. BUT I doubt that this is what the
fuel folks want. It is reasonably to expect them to put their substantial
economic and political clout into advocating for technologies that maintain
and expand their position.

Thus, we are facing a political problem -- either find a way to 1) give
significant bio-char opportunities to energy companies or 2) find an
innovative approach that moves outside the established order -- perhaps by
assigning a large global warming response to poor farmers. Maybe, they can
act in numbers while the gig guys are mired in the struggle over who gets,
what, when and how.

hugs,   lou
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