[Terrapreta] Fwd: transect points - Soil conference on non-CO2 gas emissions

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Tue May 15 04:54:25 CDT 2007

To: michaelangelica <michaelangelica at gmail.com>

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*Soil conference on non-CO2 gas

Researchers at the University of Melbourne are holding a
discuss the importance of greenhouse gas emissions from soils.

A major concern is nitrous oxide from fertilizer, manure and biomass

"300 times more potent than CO2, so even small emissions of this non-CO2 gas
can make a considerable contribution to global warming" says Dr Stefan

"When nitrogen is added to a wheat field as fertilizer or added to a pasture
through animal faeces or clover swards, a part of the nitrogen can be lost
as nitrous oxide, and when the weather conditions are right this can lead to
large emissions of nitrous oxide" says Dr Eckard.

...not widely known [is] that soils can actually [take] methane out of the
atmosphere. "Forest soils are especially efficient at taking up methane"
says Dr Livesley.

At the present time there is not much knowledge about the magnitude of these
non-CO2 emissions...

It is interesting that NO2 isn't more in the news, considering its potential
impact and its fascinating pattern of

Image source: Greenhouse gases<http://www.flickr.com/photos/bonish/369102955/>,
by Anyday.se
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