[Terrapreta] Terra Preta and the Global Carbon Cycle

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Thu May 31 11:32:40 CDT 2007

I wonder how all this gels with Tim Flannery's comments in
 "The Weather Makers" that
in  1997 the world used the equivalent of 422 years of fossil sunlight.
6 billion people are using four times as much energy as their grandfathers
100 years before.
"If humans were to look to biomass as a . . .replacement, we would need to
increase our consumption of all primary production on land by 50%"
between 1800 and 1980 humans produced 244 petajoules of energy.From 1980-99
humans produced 117 petajoules
About half of the total emitted over the previous 180 years)
". . .*half* of the energy generated since the Industrial Revolution has
been consumed *in just the last 20 years*"
(p167) say since the first cotton mill in 1733?

a story
I came across a very rich Chinese man the other day.
 He is here buying Tasmania.
I asked how he had so much money.
He took over the Chinese, State run, dilapidated cement works 20 years ago.
Now with a city the size of Brisbane going up every month, in China, there
is a bit of demand for his product

I also heard that:-
 "Making one tonne  of cement produces one tonne of greenhouse gases."

I see all the coal ships waiting, just here, along the coast (100K of them),
and wonder,- how can we ever make that much charcoal and /or biomass?

I think I should take another anti-depressant and go to bed.
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