[Terrapreta] FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.
John G. Flottvik
jovick at shaw.ca
Tue Oct 9 14:22:52 EDT 2007
Fwd: FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.Dear Dr. Tuttle.
Thanks for your reply and explanations to my questions.
I have copied the Terra Preta group as members of this discussion list are far more knowledgeable and can better explain TP than I can.
And yes, the TV show was excellent and very interesting.
Thanks again
John Flottvik
----- Original Message -----
From: Martitia Tuttle
To: John G. Flottvik
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.
Hi John:
Hanan Mahdi, a collaborator of mine, forwarded your message. How did you get her email address and not mine? I haven't actually seen the TV show. I hope it came out well.
Yes, Native American occupation horizons tend to be black, organic-rich soils. At the site shown in the film, I did date a piece of charcoal from the occupation horizon and 10 cm below the contact between the horizon and the overlying sand blow. The 2 sigma calibrated date is AD 1000-1170. The contact represents the ground surface at the time of the earthquake that was responsible for liquefaction, formation of sand blows, and burial of the ground surface. The contact is now about 1.2 m below the surface.
The upper 23 cm of the buried soil/occupation horizon contains Mississippian artifacts. In the area, the Mississippian period extends from AD 900-1650. An archeological investigation has not been conducted at this site to assess whether the artifact assemblage is representative of the Early, Middle, or Late Mississippian. Nevertheless, the artifacts and the radiocarbon date indicate that the sand blow formed after AD 1000 and during the Mississippian period.
Hope this helps. Please tell me more about your discussion group called terra preta.
Tish Tuttle
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From: "Hanan Mahdi" <hhmahdi at ualr.edu>
To: "Tish" <mptuttle at earthlink.net>
X-ASG-Orig-Subj: FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.
Subject: FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 11:25:05 -0500
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From: Hanan Mahdi [mailto:hhmahdi at ualr.edu]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 2:26 PM
To: Tish (mptuttle at earthlink.net)
Cc: hjalshukri at ualr.edu
Subject: FW: Geology Journey/sand blows.
I'm forwarding an email I think it's meant to be sent to you as it is obvious from the addressing. Hope will see you in the near future.
From: John G. Flottvik [mailto:jovick at shaw.ca]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 1:34 PM
To: mahdi at ualr.edu
Subject: Geology Journey/sand blows.
Dear Dr. Tuttle.
While watching the TV show Geology Journey, you and a student was scraping, and taking samples from a river bank.
Besides evidence of sand blows I noticed with interest some black soil in which you found a piece of pottery. I believe you mentioned it being sign of native people.
How far down was the black soil? Was this soil carbon (charcoal based?) Did you carbon date the piece of pottery?
Reason for interest is that I belong to a discussion group called terra preta and if what a saw is black soil, it could start a whole new discussion thread.
Thanks for your time.
Sincerely Yours
John Flottvik
JF BioCarbon.
Martitia P. Tuttle, Ph.D.
M. Tuttle & Associates
Specializing in Paleoseismology and Geologic Hazards
Mailing address:
128 Tibbetts Lane
Georgetown, ME 04548
Telephone: (207) 371-2796
Email: mptuttle at earthlink.net
URL: http://www.mptuttle.com
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