[Terrapreta] Biochar

Ron Larson rongretlarson at comcast.net
Mon Jun 2 17:16:03 CDT 2008

Mark (cc terrapreta list members):

    I write as an admirer of both Jim Hansen and yourself.  I just finished "Censoring Science" and thought you did a find job of getting all the climate issues across - and especially of Jim's courageous anti-censoring fight.  I have ordered "Thin Ice".

    I also write to offer another future possible book topic - that of "biochar" or "terra preta".  I thought you were going to talk about it on your p 302 - but sadly realized that "Censoring Science" came out a little too soon.  That is, you note on p 302 that Jim was favoring biomass combustion and subsequent CO2 capture and deep sequestration.  Those of us on the "terrapreta" website have been very delighted for the last month that Jim specifically has mentionned "biochar" in his forthcoming Science article.   I think this is because he (and we for sure on the terrapreta list) believe it is a much superior approach to CO2-capture.  Please let me (or our full list) know how we might help you to learn more about biochar.  Of course, you may have already started, considering how big a deal this new idea may or ("will") be, and Jim's endorsement of it.

    For the terra preta list recipients, let me recommend Mark's site and blog: http://www.mark-bowen.com/book_cs.html and http://www.tipping-points.com/ .   The blog also led me to a 40 minute video interview of Jim and Mark, described at http://www.tipping-points.com/?p=25 and found at http://www.democracynow.org/2008/3/21/censoring_science_inside_the_political_attack .  This video may not convince some on the list about climate warming, but I recommend it as a nice introduction to the issue of how the uppermost part of the US government has kept biochar from being as well known as it should be.


    (ps - At 6: EST, the Senate just allowed (74-14) debate to begin on the cap and trade bill.  This does not indicate the likely final vote - as it would not be easy to explain a vote against debate.  I would say the final likelihood of over-riding a veto is still uncertain.  Likely to take several weeks more debate over amendments before we know.  The bill sponsors were disappointed they couldn't begin right away on amendments.  Still plenty of time to contact your Senators.)
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