[Terrapreta] expansion

Kurt Treutlein rukurt at westnet.com.au
Tue Jun 3 08:23:30 CDT 2008

lou gold wrote:
> After reading this Greg ...
> / So on one hand, we have you claiming extinction levels of 95%+ of 
> all known species ( including plants ) due to global warming, caused 
> by CO2 in the atmosphere due to the actions of man, and on the other 
> hand, we have record of known extinction events, that never exceed 
> aprox 80% in a worst case situation ( few of which involve plants ), 
> and most of which account for <60% of species. /
> Somehow, I just can't help noting the obvious that we and other 
> sentient beings are not plants and that losing up to 60% of us may be 
> more than a yawn.
> hugs,
> lou
The thing is Lou, that what some are saying is that with economic 
collapse and fuel becoming less and less available, for one reason or 
another, something like that is going to happen anyhow. Humanity is 
exceeding the carrying capacity of our planet and the earth will likely 
cull us.

Considerably fewer people on earth pouring considerably less fossil CO2 
into the atmosphere should make Sean happy anyhow.


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