[Terrapreta] expansion

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Tue Jun 3 15:03:44 CDT 2008

Hi Greg,

You found the example in the fossil record!  96%, which is in the realm of 95%+ of all species lost due temperature rise and MOST LIKELY caused by increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  Human activity continuing to spew CO2 at 6-8 Gt yr-1 into the atmosphere is maybe a bit like volcanoes spewing CO2 into the atmosphere?

Permian-Triassic event - 250M yrs ago.
Largest known extinction.    96% of all known marine species and 70% of land species.    Actually 2 separate events about 5M yrs apart, and with the final event accounting for 80% of the marine life with the greatest losses in marine invertebrates and the rest during the preceding event. 
Most likely cause - multiple, starting with massive volcanic eruption ( Siberian Traps ), causing anoxic conditions due to POSSABLE ( but unsupported ) CO2 increases, which allowed anaerobic bacteria to thrive, which produced large amounts of atmospheric hydrogen sulfide.    Supporting evidence is not only the extinction of animal live, but the very unusual declines in plant populations of the period, which have otherwise thrived on occasions where CO2 is believed to increased causing climate change.

So now what?  I did not say atmospheric concentrations of CO2 would go to 1000 ppm.  I said IF they went to 1000 ppm, then the likely temperature increases would MOST LIKELY cause mass species loses.   Don't you think and expected change of 9 degrees C on top of what has already occurred as a result of human activity will make any difference, Greg?   There was a conference two days ago somewhere (I'll find it and cite it) that said the Earth is losing 1 species every 20 minutes right now and that species loss is expected to reach 70% of plants and 25% of mammals within the next 2 or 3 decades.  Keep watching.

Thanks for lending support to my statements, Greg.


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