[Terrapreta] SKB's departure's significance for me

geoff moxham teraniageoff at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 22:54:28 CDT 2008

Hi list, moderators,
I can't believe this debate can get so acrimonious as to lose
inspirational members.

My dilemma is that I was inspired by many of Sean's passionate
writings. He inspired me to write, now 7 articles on char for local
newspapers. As a result of his ideas to sequester one's C footprint in
the garden each day I developed a 20 litre drum kiln.

Now I am too busy making my own multi-chamber climbing jagama char
kiln, and eating the 57 pawpaws on just one char-augmented tree... and
still writing.
Thanks Sean.

How many list members are connected to the earth, actually out there,
not armchair terrorprestos, but trying to farm better, AND prepare
themselves and their communities for the obvious energy depletion on
all our doorsteps, by developing the technology to gasify wood for
transport??? I wonder how many armchair 'spurts have a few decades
watching their tropical peaches bloom earlier each year, for example.

To avoid losing the baby with the bathwater, I could come at  requests
to divide the posts simply into TP philosophy and TP practice.

I wonder if the person who sought to calculate Seans % of the list's
posts could find what the ratio is of all our posts on TP philosophy,
compared to TP practice/science?

I would like to see an attempt on this list to converge on TP best
practice guidelines, for home, farm and industry...
...but the URGENCY for this is driven by the sickening AGW we're
copping. AND also the stupidity of past farming practice that has
virtually mined our topsoils and flushed the phosphorous into the sea.
AND also the need to find a sustainable concentrated fuel for
tractors...wood/charcoal, and the whole fossil-fool
kindest regards
Geoff Moxham

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