[Terrapreta] Terrapreta Digest,Hansens Proposal

Nikolaus Foidl nfoidl at desa.com.bo
Sun Jun 8 18:01:46 CDT 2008

Dear Mary¨

What has the crazy idea of overtaxing private land to do with terra preta.(
this is maybe part of a communist manifesto list but not terra preta)
Please lets go back to real Terra preta issues.

Lets find out first what is terra preta, lets find out how it works and if
it is beneficial, how we can propagate it in case it is economically
positive. At the moment we have no clue, we are guessing and nothing else.

 So please before you start to discuss or even bring up some crazy and
unjustified plans to save the world by punishing with taxes which have no
legal nor moral foundation and are only based on envy some poor and rightful
landowners, lets get down to earth preferably to terra preta and get some
real and prove able results.

I get a bit nervous over all this un needed dilutions and not helpful posts
over some very hilarious political ideas.

Even if Terra preta or carbon sequestration is working, you can not, and
should not try to force people to do it. This dictatorial and centralist
approach we should have overcome after the second world war but still there
are some out there who wont get it.

 Leave the government out of this , his role is maybe advisor but mainly
servant to the people, the government is not the ruler, he is a facilitator,
and does not own the people, and in the end the people have to decide if
they adopt and accept an idea or not. As much as you desire, that everybody
thinks like you, please don't force the people to think like you.
Its there decision and NOBODY No Government, No RELIGION, nobody should try
to force the people to do what you ore someone else thinks is right.
There is not only one truth out there.

Best regards from a terra preta -list frustrated member.


> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 16:22:57 -0500
> From: Mary Lehmann <mlehmann3 at austin.rr.com>
> Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] Hansen's Proposal
> To: "lou gold" <lou.gold at gmail.com>
> Cc: Terra Preta <Terrapreta at bioenergylists.org>
> Message-ID: <9F176E81-A1B3-418D-BD7B-526F85F4B38F at austin.rr.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Lou, this article is highly relevant to the future of biochar.  Peter
> Barnes has a better plan than Hansen's because rationing is more
> effective in limiting use than taxation is.  Barnes is somewhat of a
> chicken, though, for not including privately owned land in the sphere
> of nature's resources.  People didn't make  privately owned land!
> Land is one case where taxing it (and not improvements) does work.
> (The supply, hence use, is already limited.)  Taxpayers don't
> understand this beneficial aspect of taxing land.  Highly taxed land
> is also cheaper and curtails sprawl and speculation sharply.
>   All cities and other governing bodies should be concerned with this
> issue, which is really one of protecting the Commons (land).  So is
> the whole purpose of biochar, assuming protection includes carbon
> sequestration.
> I don't like the blog-and-string-of-replies form, but if you think of
> a simple way to look into and discuss this further, and wish to, let
> me know.
> Can't write more as I'm getting ready to go away for a week.
> Mary
> ==================================================

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