[Terrapreta] More misguided nonsense:

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 13:59:51 CDT 2008

Agreed quite loony.
Add it to the "Umbrella in Space" idea.

There is/was a plan to promote phytoplankton growth by adding iron to the
I thought this was  worth some more research. No one seems to have mentioned
it for awhile.

In the meantime we are all conducting and experiment wit countless tonnes of
plastic, weedicide and chlorinated hydrocarbons in the oceans.
For example, there is a patch of plastic garbage floating in a vortex north
of Hawaii as big as Texas. The current also accumulates the phytoplankton.
The plastic is now starting to break down and it looks like it is being
taken up in the food chain like many pesticides.

Chlorinated hydrocarbons live in the top micron of the sea where
phytoplankton live and they seem to interfere with its reproductive
The original chlorinated hydrocarbon DDT is now used in well over half the
planet (produced in China and India sprayed in Africa). Even when, and if,
the stuff breaks down it sometimes forms more toxic chemicals like DDE.
 And DDT is a Teddy-Bear's picnic next to some newer pesticides.

Hope this is not too "off topic"
Have a nice day :)

> ------------------------
> On Jun 18, 2008, at 2:19 PM, MFH wrote:
> How come the loony fringe get this sort of publicity and TP doesn't?
> *Deep-sea carbon storage must be tested, says leading scientist*
>    - <http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/davidadam>

Michael the Archangel
"Politicians will never solve The Problem;
because they don't realise they are The Problem.".
-Robert ( Bob ) Parsons 1995
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