[Terrapreta] Your input needed: "Soil health" at Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Thu May 1 08:48:29 CDT 2008

Hi Laurens
That is not a problem
You should probably get in touch with Dynamotive in USA who are producing
pyrolysis based biofuels
To my knowledge BEST energies, at least in Australia, is looking at
electricity production from waste .
I will cc a copy of this email to Adraina Downie and Stephen joseph from
BEST here. They would no doubt be interested in what you are doing; if they
have time may be able to supply some research info for you.
Also check out the Hypography science sites on plants for biofuels and Terra

Good luck with the conference/meeting.
Warmest wishes

Michael Bailes
"Politicians will never solve The Problem;
because they don't realise they are the problem.
-Robert ( Bob ) Parsons 1995.

CC Adriana and Stephen
Can you help?
2008/5/1 Laurens Rademakers <lrademakers at biopact.com>:

>  Hi,
> I'm part of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (at the Ecole
> Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne's Energy Center), which is developing
> social, environmental and other sustainability criteria for biofuels. It
> does so in a set of discussion groups.
> The upcoming discussion (number 8 of the Working Group on the
> Environment) will address criteria for soils. It will basically conclude:
> biofuels should *improve* soil health and maintain soil ecosystem services.
> Please have a look at the background document in attachment, which will be
> the starting text for the negotiations.
> I will obviously introduce a discussion about biochar coupled to biofuel
> production. No doubt many participants at the roundtable will be surprised
> to hear about terra preta's potentially great effects on soil health.
> However, I would very much appreciate your input and advice on how to
> present the issue. I think this roundtable presents an excellent opportunity
> to get news of the existence of biochar / terra preta out.
> The roundtable is extremely stringent in designing its sustainability
> criteria, so I would love to hear some strong arguments in favor of coupling
> biochar to biofuels production.
> The meeting on soils is planned for next week, May 7th (apologies for this
> short notice).
> Kind regards,
> Lorenzo
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