[Terrapreta] What, again, are the advantages of inaction and doubting everything?
Sean K. Barry
sean.barry at juno.com
Sat May 3 19:37:46 CDT 2008
Hello TP readers,
Anthropogenic Global Warming is a CROCK!
Global Warming is doubtful since it is a cool day today, cooler than yesterday. Humans certainly are not involved in any form of climate effects.
I think it would be great if Minnesota got warmer in the winter and cooler/windier in the summer.
So, you don't like high gas prices? Then, buy Exxon Mobil stock!
The trees in Alaska aren't dying by the millions and millions because of any "pine beetle" infestation. It's too cold for those insects and apparently it is too cold for the trees now too. See?! ... really Global Cooling is happening (and nobody but me can see this?!) and we will soon all need to move to Australia (the only continent that won't be under 1.5 kilometers of ice). Those damned trees are in the way of our getting at those billions of dollars in profits we'll all get if we would just take that endless supply of oil that is hiding under "Anwar" in Alaska. Actually we want to do some "slant-drilling" as George Bush told us and we will be taking oil from under the Russians!
Making charcoal in an open barrel DOES NOT release any Methane whatsoever!
Climate Change ... Schmimate Change
We aren't growing enough corn for ethanol or enough so we can make gigatons of fine grained charcoal out of it in our "corn root ball mounds" either. I think we need to take a corn production for food out of making silly food. We need profits from using US government funds to raise food prices and selling ethanol.
I don't know shit and I know more than all the global climate scientists in the world combined and they are all WRONG! ... because I said so. I don't need to support anything I say. Don't doubt me, either. Just sit still and do nothing because you might wreck things.
Oil will get cheaper if we kill off a few 100's of millions of people with starvation or inundation.
Anything that interferes with our quest to choke the planet in insufferable heat (I mean cooling) will be messing with "The American Way of Life!"
Burying charcoal is STUPID ... that's good fuel, MAN! Bury whole trees down deep instead. Charcoal-in-soil will never sequester carbon. Not if I can help it!
Terra Preta de Indio is a mystery to most. I know that it is there in the Amazon only because people had to shit on the ground a lot there. If you've ever eaten Brazilian food, you'd know what I mean.
Are we getting the picture for where ALL the discussions on this site need to go to, YET?! Don't you see that we all need to deny anything that will cause undue hardship on the fewest people?! Because that is who we are.
Just shoot me now!
----- Original Message -----
From: David Yarrow<mailto:dyarrow at nycap.rr.com>
To: terrapreta at bioenergylists.org<mailto:terrapreta at bioenergylists.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2008 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] Ice-age anyone?
see details below about current climate modeling...
while the pacific cycle enters a la nina cooling phase from an influx of ancient brine from the deep sea, at the opposite end of the earth's thermohaline gradient, the arctic and anarctic ice packs and caps are shrinking faster than expected, flooded with warmer surface waters skimming outward from the tropics. high mountain glaciers are shrinking worldwide, too.
for a green & peaceful planet,
David Yarrow
44 Gilligan Rd, E Greenbush, NY 12061
Short-Term Pause in Warming Predicted for Europe and North America.
By Andrew C. Revkin, NYTimes, May 1, 2008.
"After decades of research that sought, and found, evidence of a human influence on the earth's climate, climatologists are beginning to shift [their focus]: creating decade-long forecasts for climate... One of the first attempts to look ahead a decade... predicts a slight cooling of Europe and North America, probably related to shifting currents and patterns in the oceans...
In a short paper published in the May 1 issue of the journal Nature, [the team that generated the forecast]... stressed that the pause in warming represented only a temporary blunting of the centuries of rising temperatures that scientists have projected if... heat-trapping gases continue accumulating in the atmosphere... It should... help the public and policy makers understand that a cool phase does not mean the overall theory of human-driven warming is flawed.
Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, said. 'Too many think global warming means monotonic relentless warming everywhere year after year,' Dr. Trenberth said. 'It does not happen that way.'"
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