[Terrapreta] Biochar included in U.S. Farm Bill

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Mon May 12 18:45:59 CDT 2008

Hi Kevin,

We could develop and export systems that make charcoal "in-situ" (in the fields where the plant materials come from, without burdensome transportation costs), from multiple different sources of biomass.  We could develop traing for "colliers" and provide them the equipment they need to make charcoal cleanly and to make charcoal of the right kind for the greatest agricultural benefits.  We should do wide-spread field ressearch on the use of charcoal in agriculture.  We should do this all over the world.

We could export the UNs FAO/TPI charcoal kiln, that has been modified to produce charcoal cleanly without emissions of potent GHGs, a "Clean Charcoal Kiln".  We could export systems that make synthetic fertilizers from biomass derived chemical feed stocks (syngas from biomass).


  What areas of charcoal making could benefit from research and 
  development funding?

  The item "designing systems to harvest bioenergy from non-food crops." 
  shouldn't take much work, in that massive work has already been done and 
  proven in the Forestry and Agriculture sectors.

  The item "exporting carbonization/pyrolysis technologies to poor, rural 
  economies all over the world." is good. What technologies would you 
  propose to export?

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