[Terrapreta] Research Money

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Mon May 12 22:38:08 CDT 2008

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your valuable input on this new topic.  The amount so graciously funded through the latest Farm Bill is, according to Lorenzo (a member who posted this on this list), only $3 MILLION dollars.  It too will fund the type of research you suggest, but at a much reduced scale.  If the amount of money put into oil subsidies and food-into-fuel subsidies (corn-into-ethanol and soy-into-biodiesel) were given over to biochar research (I don't know how big these actually are, but I suspect BILLIONS as opposed to millions), then I think too, that this could greatly enhance biochar research.  Then again, the $500+ BILLION dollars we've spent on the 2nd Iraq War so far could also, directed into biochar research, help a great deal.  Don't you think so, too?

The message of getting only $3 MILLION for biochar research in this election year speaks strongly of where the current congressional and executive administration priorities are focused (CYA, reelection, and line their pockets first).  In my opinion, their priorities are widely misplaced and wholly misguided.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dave Demyan<mailto:demyan at methownet.com> 
  To: Terrapreta at bioenergylists.org<mailto:Terrapreta at bioenergylists.org> 
  Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 9:48 PM
  Subject: [Terrapreta] Research Money


  Research dollars in the 3 billion dollar range could fund pilot projects throughout the country that would convert biomass into bio-oil, charcoal and heat.  It could fund research labs that could develop methodologies for producing petrochemical replacements that could be used for everything from plastics to construction adhesives and finishes to synthetic fibers.  It could fund research into the effects of char from different sources and different processes, on different crops in different climates and soils.  It could be used to demonstrate waste heat utilization for heating, food processing and refrigeration.


  300 billion could be used to convert the entire US to alternative energy sources.


  Other than that it wouldn't be of much use at all. 




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