[Terrapreta] composting toilet

Saibhaskar Nakka saibhaskarnakka at gmail.com
Thu May 15 11:57:55 CDT 2008

Dear Jim,

This is a great initiative and the values are very high. Hope we all
would follow your practice and start using charcoal to keep our toilets
clean instead of hazardous chemicals.

Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy

On 5/15/08, Kevin Chisholm <kchisholm at ca.inter.net> wrote:

> Dear Jim
> Very interesting!!
> What a neat way to make fertilizer.
> Say we think back 3,000 to 4,000 years in Brazil...
> Perhaps their pottery urns were teh equivalent to a composting
> toilet.... use it, and cover the deposit with charcoal to prevent odor
> and fly problems. Then dump it in the fields.
> What about putting Composting Worms in a composting toilet? The
> pot/toilet would fill up more slowly, and would last longer between
> requirements for dumping.
> Best wishes,
> Kevin
> Jim Joyner wrote:
> > Anyone have any experience with putting charcoal in a composting toilet
> > (how much, etc.)? My wife and I use such a toilet. I reason that it
> > would break down the material faster, give off less smell and (since I
> > use the end product on trees and scrubs) it would sequester CO2.
> >
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