[Terrapreta] [Gasification] PHOTOS ABOUT CATTAIL
Richard Haard
richrd at nas.com
Sat May 17 15:08:51 CDT 2008
Very nice selection of cattail images. It is interesting to compare to
here at my 44 degrees North Latitude in Washington State as you are at
opposite season. My observation is the starch content of the roots and
rhizomes is highest at end of growing season (fall).
In our area, winter freezing and frost kills back the leaves. Is this
what happens with you too? If so you must be in early fall.
Simple quantitative test for starch is iodine (turns black). It would
be interesting to find the extent and amount of starch in different
parts. I think a biochemistry textbook could tell you how to determine
starch content. Probably comparing dry weight to yield after acid
I am not sure how edible lower end of stems are in fall of year. We
harvest these in spring as the new shoots are emerging just like
asparagus. This is the dish we locally call Cossack Asparagus, my
friend the late Maxine Flaherity has taught us this.
Cattails, a plant of many uses - Early spring, late March and April,
In Your latitude this should be October/November
when the leaves begin to show, wade out into the bog (in clean water,
of course) and pull the shoot from the attached root, this will reveal
a white piece of stem. Maxine calls them Cossack asparagus and they
are very good sliced like cucumber, raw in salads or cooked as a
There is more - Cattail corn. By May, In your latitude this should
be November/December
when the plants are flowering, a corn-cob like male inflorescence sits
on top of the female bloom. Before the anthers break open, but not too
early, clip these tips and steam for a few minutes before serving.
With melted butter these are wonderful.
Cattail pollen flour - a little later collect the mature heads and let
dry on a piece of paper. Sieve the pollen and save for cooking as an
ingredient to pancakes and breads. Maxine recommends about 2
tablespoons in a batch of pancakes or perhaps a pullapart loaf.
On May 17, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Benjamin Domingo Bof wrote:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26640803@N02/?saved=1
> In this site are photos describing typha parts for eat.
> Regards, Ben
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