[Terrapreta] pulverizing charcoal
Roy Lent
rwlent at gmail.com
Mon May 19 18:54:07 CDT 2008
What does the cement mixer run on? There are many ways to do this by using
petroleum. Of course, those ways release more carbon to the atmosphere than
the char preserves in the soil. In the pulverizing party idea, realistically
many of the people present will be fueled by petroleum based foods so, as
amusing as it may be, it's not really that good an idea.
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Greg and April <gregandapril at earthlink.net>
> Why not toss the char in a cement mixer with some rocks?
> Greg H.
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Roy Lent <rwlent at gmail.com>
> *To:* terrapreta at bioenergylists.org
> *Sent:* Monday, May 19, 2008 16:36
> *Subject:* [Terrapreta] pulverizing charcoal
> I have to try as I'm supposed to be an idea type person. Get a good sized
> piece of the heavy plasic sheeting used to line land fills and such. Decide
> where to hold a pulverizing party. Lay out the sheeting on the floor and
> cover it with the lumpy charcoal. Fold the rest of the sheeting on top and
> clamp the edges, This will have the same sort of attraction as do the
> plastic bubbles in that wrapping sheeting. Everyone loves to pop them!
> Everyone one will love to search out and crunch the charcoal lumps. Hold
> regular charcoal crunching parties or dances. The kids will love it!
> Roy
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