Benjamin Domingo Bof
benjaminbof at yahoo.com.ar
Sat May 24 18:13:22 CDT 2008
Of who it is the Amazônia, after all? , it says news article of " New York Times" - 18/5/2008 18-Mai-2008 A news article published in this sunday in the American periodical " The New York Times" it affirms that the suggestion made for global leaders of whom the Amazônia is not exclusive patrimony of no country is causing concern in Brazil. In the intitled text " Of who it is this Amazonian forest, after all? " , signed for the correspondent of the periodical in Rio De Janeiro Alexei Barrionuevo, the periodical it says that " a choir of international leaders is declaring the Amazônia more openly as part of a very bigger patrimony of what only of the nations that divide its território". The periodical cites American former-vice-president Al Gore, who in 1989 said that " in contrast of what the Brazilians believe, the Amazônia is not property of them, it belongs to all ours". A news article published in this sunday in the American periodical " The New York Times" it affirms
that the suggestion made for global leaders of whom the Amazônia is not exclusive patrimony of no country is causing concern in Brazil. In the intitled text " Of who it is this Amazonian forest, after all? " , signed for the correspondent of the periodical in Rio De Janeiro Alexei Barrionuevo, the periodical it says that " a choir of international leaders is declaring the Amazônia more openly as part of a very bigger patrimony of what only of the nations that divide its território". The periodical cites American former-vice-president Al Gore, who in 1989 said that " in contrast of what the Brazilians believe, the Amazônia is not property of them, it belongs to all nós". " These commentaries are not well-accepted here (in Brazil) " , it says the periodical. " By the way, they had relit old attitudes of territorial protectionism and comment of foreign hidden invaders ." Restricted access The periodical affirms that the government of president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva tries
to approve a law to restrict the access to the Amazonian forest, imposing a regimen of licenses in such a way for foreigners as for Brazilians. " But many specialists in Amazônia say that the restrictions proposals enter in conflict with the proper efforts [of president Lula] to give to Brazil a bigger voice in the negotiations on global climatic changes --an implicit recognition of that the Amazônia is critical for the world as a whole" , it affirms the news article. The periodical says that " visa in a global context, the restrictions reflect a bigger debate on rights of sovereignty against the patrimony of humanity". " Also one exists fight on who has the right to give to access the international and ambientalistas scientists who want to protect these areas, and for company that wants explorá-las." " She is one fight that must only become more complicated in the next years, to the light of two conflicted trends: an increasing demand for energy resources and an
increasing concern with climatic changes and pollution."
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