jim mason
jimmason at whatiamupto.com
Tue May 27 16:17:34 CDT 2008
what does this have to do with either gasification or terra preta?
if i want to read about ethanol pathways, there are other lists on
which to do so. most here are aware of them and many likely engage
the topic elsewhere. it is an important arena of endeavor. but it is
not the topic here.
so benjamin, please stop bombing these lists with ethanol articles and
general fwds. it is way too much for us mortals to injest. the
terrapreta list in particular is being overwhelmed.
your clear talents and deep knowledge deserve better than this mode of
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Benjamin Domingo Bof
<benjaminbof at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> We have an initial proposal to use land that adjoins both the local prison
> and the sewerage system for a mid-sized town. There is no telling if we can
> work out the details due to politics and regulators, but we are writing up
> the proposal. Here is the deal. The adjoining prison ranch spreads out
> the sewerage waste across the ranch land and has an abundant excess of
> effluent available. We first plan a Cattails to Ethanol growth project and
> demonstration to prove fuel ethanol production with minimal data collection
> using the sewerage waste and effluent in tanks. The cattails will remediate
> the sewerage waste and restore the land productivity. We may even be able
> to move the tanks across the ranch in sections to allow new crop land in a
> somewhat barren area. One year should be sufficient for the pilot
> project. The cattail growing beds will be laid out in strip tanks--long and
> narrow so that heavy equipment can come between the rows to sickle the
> stalks and/ or dig the rhizomes. Easy harvest access of the rhizomes is
> important if enough land is available And if the stalk juice proves to
> actually be 60% sugar, then we may alternate cutting the strip tanks for
> juicing the stalk to provide interim sugar for spring and summer
> processing. We will have a project for real data collection and reporting
> plus an active fuel ethanol generation site. The rhizomes will be processed
> in the fall and winter.
> The prisoners already work on the ranch and are paid for their labor which
> allows them to come out of prison with a nest egg to start a new life. If
> this project proves exemplary, then we will have shown these prisoners how
> to make a lucrative living making a biofuel. In the mean time, the fuel
> ethanol will we used for by the prison in running equipment, vehicles, and
> generating electricity. Any excess fuel ethanol can be sold to area-wide
> first responders so that services remain available for the public good. Boy
> am I excited!
> The Cattails to Ethanol and bioenergy books that are sold by my non-profit
> organization have been fairly successful allowing me to attend one
> conference already and print out a number of copies that are used in
> conjunction with public outreach. Thanks to everyone who has purchased the
> books. The Society of American Foresters has asked permission to publish
> the Bioenergy Terms book if they can find a sponser. This looks promising.
> Now all I need is for Gilles to complete his new easy-to-operate table-top
> distillery so I can institute this pilot project. Everyone please send
> Gilles good thoughts and blessings to find the necessary time to complete
> his research. We know he is the best, and we need his genius for
> everyone's sake. Once the systems are being manufactured, we will be able
> to have production systems that cost about a quarter of the new designs that
> Floyd Butterfield and company are offering to the public yet be adaptable to
> most any feedstock. Don't get me wrong. I think Mr. B has a great idea and
> design concept. We just need more flexibility in design, capacity,
> feedstock, and pricing. Onward and upward! Yes we can do this. Thanks
> for your support.
> Best wishes,
> Peggy
> 512.757.4499
> rpk @ gvtc . com
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jim mason
website: www.whatiamupto.com
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