Michael Bailes
michaelangelica at gmail.com
Tue May 27 23:13:30 CDT 2008
Benjamin I have asked before please do not spam lists with posts like this
If you think the post is relevant please say why and give the link
Contined infringement may lead to your suspension from the list
Michael Bailes
TP moderator
2008/5/28 Benjamin Domingo Bof <benjaminbof at yahoo.com.ar>:
> Ambient Politics The Government of the State of São Paulo understands that
> the politics ambient, to be effective, it demands the participation of the
> municipal agents, democratizing the management public and decentralizing the
> ambient agenda. The taking of decisions, in what it competes to it, for the
> spheres of the local power facilitates e it stimulates the participation of
> citizenship. The sharing, between state and cities, of the control of
> ambient quality it will propitiate greater efficiency to the public
> administration, favoring the development sustainable of the São Paulo
> economy. Being decentralized, ambient politics it will more widely
> compromise the society with the ambient values. Mutual Ambient
> responsibility The ambient politics of the State of São Paulo estimates
> development of actions integrated and articulated between the Government and
> Municipal city halls. shared ambient management creates a mutual
> responsibility, demanding development of managemental ability in the cities,
> fitting to the State, for intermediary of the Secretariat of the Environment
> and the agencies it tied, to give contribution technique and training to the
> local teams. To cities, fit to constitute the executive structure with
> capacity and autonomy to command local ambient actions, allowing in the
> administration system the participation of Chamber of Councilmen and the
> civil, ambientalistas entities or of representation of the citizenship. It
> is assumed approval of proper ambient legislation to the city, to give to
> the necessary institucional support to the actions and local activities of
> protection to the environment, made compatible with existing the federal and
> state legislation. Having structure and team technique enabled in the
> management of the questions ambient for the city, the ambient licensing and
> fiscalization of enterprises with impacts on the environment strict places
> will be permitted for the city. Municipal pictures, with ability technique
> stops disgnostic accomplishment, planning and zoning ambient, determination
> of pointers of quality of the environment, they start to work in cooperation
> with the Secretariat of the Environment and for the agencies it tied, with
> attributions in the ambient management. --------------------------------- 10
> DIRECTIVE OF THE GREEN CITY The adhesion of the São Paulo cities to this
> Protocol implies in installation, for the local power, of the shared ambient
> management in territory of its jurisdiction, consubstanciada in the
> following ones directive: 1. TREAT SEWER To implant, through proper system,
> joined or terceirizado, collection e treatment of domestic sewers,
> eliminating the pollution of resources hídricos to its ebb tide. The São
> Paulo cities will have to be capable of to carry through the despoluição of
> the dejections in 100% until the year of 2010 or, in its financial
> impossibility, to have contracted workmanships and services or, still,
> firmed Term of Commitment with the State Secretariat of the Way Environment,
> having the interveniência of the CETESB, so that they accomplish the
> treatment of sewers in 100% until the 2014 end. In the cases of signature of
> Terms of Commitment, the collection and treatment of the domestic sewers
> will have to be, in minimum, of 30% until the end of 2010, and 50% until the
> end of 2012. 2. MINIMUM GARBAGE To establish politics of management of the
> solid residues, promoting the collection selective and the recycling,
> eliminating until the end of 2010 any form of garbage deposition the opened
> sky, promoting, when it will be the case, recovery of the degraded areas and
> the remediation of the contaminated areas. Terms of Commitment firmed
> between the cities and the State Secretariat of the Way Environment, with
> the interveniência of the CETESB, will define stated periods and conditions
> stop to equate the logistic difficulties for disposal of solid residues in
> convenient sanitary aterros. 3. RECOVERY OF BUSH CILIAR To participate of
> the governmental program of recovery of ciliares bushes, in set with the
> State Secretariat of the Environment and the Secretariat State of
> Agriculture and Supplying, assisting in the delimitation and landmark of
> with priority areas of performance, particularly in the protection of main
> springs, formadoras of sources of captation of agua, with support of local
> agriculturists and according to criteria and goals established for
> Government. 4. URBAN ARBORIZATION To implement program of urban arborization
> and maintenance of green areas municipal theatres, diversifying the use of
> the planted species, including maintenance of the municipal fishery, for
> production of changes with characteristics paisagísticas or to be destined
> to the reverse speed-vegetation of areas degraded, in urban or agricultural
> perimeter, preferential of native and fruitful species. 5. AMBIENT EDUCATION
> To establish program of ambient education for the public net of education
> municipal theatre, also promoting the awareness of the population regarding
> ambient agenda, including the participation in the ambient mutirões to be
> defined for the SMA. --------------------------------- 6. SUSTAINABLE
> HABITATION To define program for the deriving reduction of wooden use of
> Amazônia in the civil construction of the city, assisting the fiscalization
> of the commerce of the local lumber, defending the wooden use sustainable or
> deriving of planted forests. To favor expedition of licenses of the civil
> constructions that incorporate the criteria of the support, including the
> use of technologies such as I reuse of the water, water captation of rains,
> systems alternative of energy, and too much criteria of sustainable
> habitation. 7. USE OF THE WATER To implant a municipal program against the
> water wastefulness, in commercial establishments, in the agricultural
> businesses, the industrial installations e in the domestic residences,
> supporting the collection of the use of the water in the basin hidrográfica
> where if it points out the city, favoring e combining it work of the
> Committee of the Hidrográfica Basin in what it will be pertinent. 8.
> POLLUTION OF AIR To support the state Government in the program of control
> of the pollution atmospheric e of effect-greenhouse gases, including the
> emissions to propagate, particularly proceeding from the captive fleets of
> bus of the transport municipal theatre and of trucks of the public fleet,
> participating of the campaigns against smoke black color, Operation Winter
> and excessively public initiatives in the defense of the quality of air. 9.
> AMBIENT STRUCTURE To constitute, preferential for law, proper agency of
> executive structure responsible municipal theatre for the politics of
> protection of half-environment and of natural resources, implanting in the
> cities with superior population the 100 a thousand inhabitants the City
> department of Environment. 10. AMBIENT ADVICE To constitute, for law, the
> City council of Environment, with functions advisory and deliberative,
> adopting the minimum criteria of representation to be indicated for the SMA,
> making sure it full participation of scientific community, of the civil
> society and the organizations not governmental in the local ambient agenda.
> ------------------------------
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Michael the Archangel
"Politicians will never solve The Problem;
because they don't realise they are The Problem.".
-Robert ( Bob ) Parsons 1995
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