[Terrapreta] Old native earth ovens.

Kurt Treutlein rukurt at westnet.com.au
Wed May 28 21:09:24 CDT 2008

MFH wrote:
> But I just remembered that by loading the stones and smothering the fire,
> some char results, along with the ashes. This is added later to the
> vegetable plots. Amongst all the Muumuus I've eaten I never asked why they
> did this but presumably they had worked out that this increases fertility
> and yields.
I never saw this in the Western Highlands, but I was only a callow young 
lad then, loaded down by my Administrative Burdens (I was a Kiap) so I 
might not have noticed.
> The Tolais have only been in ENB for maybe 200 years. But if this cooking
> practice had happened over 1000 years, could this build up TP soils? Were
> there stones in the Amazon areas to replicate this, or even more
> tantalising, did the Amazonians bake clay "balls" and use these instead of
> stones, leaving char and pottery fragments?
Depends on the geology of the area and the closeness of rocky areas. 
Parts of the Fly River plains have no stones at all, I believe, all just 


fondly remembering the good old days

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