[Terrapreta] CEC

Jim Joyner jimstoy at dtccom.net
Tue Dec 11 08:19:17 CST 2007


Thanks for these comments. It sounds like my suggestion of burying 
unchared biomass beneficially might be possible but that there are many 



teelws at jmu.edu wrote:
> Organic matter buried in soil does have a variable but very high CEC.  Generally it varies between 100 and 450 meq/100mg.  In low CEC situations you would get a bigger kick by adding compost to the char, though for long term carbon storage the char is essential.  Organic matter stability in the soil is dependent upon water.  It you have a saturated subsoil the orgnanic material in it remains stable for centuries or longer.  Some organic soils on Boreo are 70 feet thick, a wonderful carbon storage.  However, take away the water the carbon will slowly be consumed, respirated to CO2.  Even worse, if the saturation is intermittent you get methane.  Char, whether agrichar or forest char, is likely far more stable in both wet and dry conditions.

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