[Terrapreta] a braoder theory of torrefaction and TP

lou gold lou.gold at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 12:28:38 CST 2007

I like it Duane,

I believe that credit would also have to require that the char be amended to
soil. The problem is that char can be used as fuel which would move it from
carbon negative to carbon neutral.

So here's the logical question: can the char be made into a form only
suitable as a soil amendment? Or are we looking at inspections and controls
to prevent diversions into fuel?

hugs,   lou

*To repeat, I'm suggesting that practices such as the burying of organic
> waste in landfills might need to be phased out in favor of char production.
> That would be a way of capturing the hydrogen component of organic material
> and extracting some energy. The only credit allowed would be for the char
> component. That would move us toward a carbon negative system, rather than
> carbon neutral that comes from burning or producing methane subsequently
> burned from waste.*
> .
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