[Terrapreta] challenges for the future of TP

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 21:47:30 CST 2007

 This is an interesting perspective; asking the pertinent
questions/challenges for the future of TP

 *Quote:*  the debates about the benefits to AGW are only just beginning.

In short, being a part of the conference could be compared to hearing an
orchestra tuning up. There are skillful cellists and masterful tuba players
preparing next to each other. The idea is potential for beautiful music,
rather than cacophony. We aren't really sure who the conductor is yet –
plenty of skillful people are taking part of that role. There is cooperation
and the desire to share experience at all points – but this is a new kind of
orchestra. "

Michael the Archangel

"You can fix all the world's problems in a garden. . . .
Most people don't know that"
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