[Terrapreta] Fw: a tiny outburst of common sense

jimstoy at dtccom.net jimstoy at dtccom.net
Mon Dec 17 09:02:36 CST 2007


I think we should be careful not to blame logic or a particular kind of
logic for the problem or even to expect that logic will provide a

For the most part, people are logical. I find it rare that any one is
illogical. Two reasons: 1) people rarely use logic and, 2) when they use
logic they use it, well, logically.

No, the problem is always with the premises, the assumptions we start
with. Unfortunately, assumptions are usually based on our egos (who we
think we are) and are rarely arguable in any real sense.

Laws are usually the worst kind of solutions as they simply represent the
institutionalized for of force (or violence). Lawa typically create more
and larger problems. Laws just become the tool of the most powerful egos.
E.G., your solution of "taxing the shit out of . . . fossil fuel supply"
would simply create a black market - granting a legal monopoly to least
controllable elements of society, essentially, removing all social control
--  very much like making drugs illegal (notice how well that has worked).


If we truly understand the problem, we already have the solution. If we
are truly aware, we find that the problem never existed.

> Maybe we should consider creating the business of "Eliminating Fossil
> Carbon Fuel Consumption", and use the logic of eliminating (or taxing the
> shit out of) fossil fuel supply, in order to rid the world of noxious
> carbon dioxide pollution?
> "The government's climate change policy works like this: extract every
> last drop of fossil fuel then pray to God that no one uses it."
> Regards,

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