[Terrapreta] volatile matter and char

Greg and April gregandapril at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 23 16:30:31 CST 2007

No more so than assuming that any and/or all VM is toxic to any/or all soil microorganism, without testing the theory.

As it is, even a single failed testing does not disprove a theory either, it just means that that the circumstances of that single testing is disproven, until it ( the failure ) is repeated time and again under multiple different conditions.

The theory of hormesis effect with soil microorganisms is just that, a theory until proven false with controlled experiments - not just because someone doesn't believe it.

I'm not saying that what Michael says is true, is or what you are saying is not true, just that it is a possibility to be explored, and dismissing it out of hand because it might sound far fetched, is ..... well not exactly scientifically sound - after all at one time it was accepted theory that the world was flat and the idea that it was round was as unthinkable as what you appear to be saying about hormesis.

Greg H.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sean K. Barry 
  To: Greg and April ; Kevin Chisholm 
  Cc: 'Terrapreta Preta' 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 15:00
  Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] volatile matter and char

  Hi Kevin,

  How does your your last sentence ...

  "This latter reference

    Analysis of a Hormesis Effect in the Leukemia-Caused Mortality Among
    Atomic Bomb Survivors

  confirms the existence of the hormesis effect.",

  confirm or even show the hormesis effect of charcoal borne (in VM) soil toxins in or on soil or any living biota or the hormesis effect of soil biota in the presence of charcoal toxins?  How is there any connection?  This is a weak inductive argument.  Is there any way you can demonstrate this (confirming one confirms the other)?

  Based on the assumption that hormesis in biomass-to-soil applies, is there anything you can predict, that is demonstrable?  Test for the failure of that "new" predicted cause-and-effect and you will support a growing hypothesis, that hormesis has an effect in the use of charcoal as a soil amendment.  Get more people to see and repeat your work, publish a report of this under review by peer scientists, develop new experiments to validate further that hormesis is in effect, and then it will begin to become an accepted theory (and categorically falsifiable by a single failed prediction).

  Until then, what you suggest it is a story and an inappropriate generalization, which is potentially totally false.


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