[Terrapreta] USDA organic certification standards

rukurt at westnet.com.au rukurt at westnet.com.au
Wed Mar 28 19:35:01 CDT 2007

Jeff Davis wrote:
> Dear Tom,
> Maybe we should be Terra Preta Farmers? We would write our own rules and
> regulations. Later, if we find the time, we could help the organic farmers
> rewrite their rules! Get the idea?
That's about the way it needs to go. The large scale farmers aren't 
likely to use it till it's available in semi trailer loads and no-one is 
going to produce it until they can sell it in sem-trailer loads, not to 
speak of getting the feedstuff for it's manufacture on that scale.
Neither are the farmers (except a few visionaries, with wild eyes) going 
to make their own equipment to make charcoal on-farm themselves until 
someone else has shown them that it works and how it works.

The answer is "softly softly catchee moneky". Push it at the gardener 
level, show that it works. Generate a small scale market for the stuff 
to get someone to manufacture it and market it in medium quantities and 
gradually build up till it reaches superphosphate scale.

This will take time.
With luck I'll be around to see it.


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