[Terrapreta] Carbon credits for farmers, new model to calculate

Michael Bailes michaelangelica at gmail.com
Sat May 19 10:16:11 CDT 2007

This is important news for the pyrolysis industry.
It should help roll out pyrolysis technology faster and reduce the cost of
Now all we need to do is work out how much CO2 charcoal sequesters. How long
it stays there. Who  will get the credits? (the producer or farmer) and who
will police it all?

[QUOTE]Saturday, May 19, 2007
[B]Model allows farmers to calculate carbon stored in soils and to sell
carbon credits[/B]
Last week, the signatories to the UN's Kyoto Protocol convened in Germany to
discuss the future of instruments and targets aimed at reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. Despite a deadlock and pessimism on the chances for a new,
post-Kyoto agreement, those worried about climate change still hope a global
system of carbon markets will be created. Such an instrument would allow
those who are able to sequester carbon in forests, ecosystems and soils, to
sell carbon credits to those who want to offset their emissions.[/QUOTE]
The model still has a few bugs (like where you are on the planet).
"May those who love us, love us;
and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts;
and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know
them by their limping."
-Irish Blessing
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