[Terrapreta] The Value of Terra Preta. Was: Re: Selling Rice Hull char/finding charcoal in Australia

Kevin Chisholm kchisholm at ca.inter.net
Mon May 21 08:06:03 CDT 2007

Dear Michael

Michael Bailes wrote:

> Alternatively, does anyone have an inexpensive charcoal-source in 
> Australia?

"Inexpensive" is relative. :-) What can one "sensibly" pay for charcoal 
for Terra Preta purposes? A number of $200 per ton has been suggested as 
a cost for charcoal, but if one used $200 charcoal, could one make 
money, or get sufficient benefit from it to justify its cost?

Does anyone have any numbers on the value of charcoal that is to be used 
for Terra Preta? Obvious "cash benefits" to the grower could include:
* Less fertilizer cost
* Increased yield
* Others???

Indirect benefits could include:
* Carbon sequestration
* Others???

Are there any known "costs", or "detriments" associated with Terra 
Preta, other than the cost of charcoal, and its cost of application?

Best wishes,


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