[Terrapreta] TP why?

Janice Stettler shibbolethf at earthlink.net
Tue May 22 11:38:38 CDT 2007

Dear Kevin,

What an intriguing question and one whose answer is self-revelatory--why am I interested in TP?  I was a market gardener for 15 years and grew old busting my ass.  I have become lazy, looking for every shortcut--but growing food from living soil keeps me grounded.  For years it's been known that a portion of the carbon in the compost I applied every year (a pain in the ass chore), remained as a structural element, a desirable one for the wee biotins that mobilize ions.  Phosphorus is the weak link in my area (Washington) and rock phosphate is the most durable source, yet it too is prone to being washed out with the rains the Northwest is famous for.  What a pleasure it is to imagine the possibility of retaining what I amend my soil with, to be utilized for plant growth instead of being lost.  And now with being a member of the discussion group, I've read how the innocent application of composted manure may contribute to Nitrous Oxide production which is deemed to be a more formidable greenhouse gas.  If amending my soil with charcoal offers retention of phosphorus and hang on to my nitrogen, preventing it from oxidizing--it's a win-win for a geezer gardener.   

Tony Stettler
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