[Terrapreta] Charcoal Specification Development
ch braun
brauncch at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 08:39:14 EDT 2007
Dear Dave,
Thanks a lot for your work.
After a first look at it, I think I agree with most of your choices, also
the approach of remaining quite general while supporting the possibility for
users to give deeper details.
My main concern is actually about the "Material" part. What are exactly the
relationships between this class, "Soil" and "Charcoal" ? What should go
under "Attribute" and "MaterialKind" ? Could you give some examples so that
it becomes clearer ?
Sincerely yours,
ther elements. Why is it related with
On 10/2/07, code suidae <codesuidae at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is first pass at a class model that describes the relationship
> between the various entities as I currently understand them.
> I tried to keep things simple by including an experiment log where
> most of the procedural details would be kept. This allows users to
> keep as little or as much data as they want without cluttering up the
> model with rarely-used properties. The same goes for the soil and char
> analysis parts; rather than try to think of all the possible
> characteristics that someone might want to collect data for, I've
> modeled it as a list of name-value pairs, with a free-form text field
> so that the user can provide details about the measurement.
> It didn't seem useful to parallel the PyrolysisMethod-PyrolysisEvent
> relationship on the cultivation side. Maybe I'm wrong about that?
> Would a generic 'method' of cultivation experiment make sense? It
> would help to standardize testing, but I'm not sure if it would end up
> being used in the same way unless it were pretty general, like 'small
> pots' 'large pots', '25 sqft plot', etc.
> http://www.codesuidae.net/misc/BioCharModel.zargo
> Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think.
> Dave K
> On 9/29/07, ch braun <brauncch at gmail.com> wrote:
> > So I looked for an UML modeling tool which could be suitable for our
> > purpose, and the best solution I tried is ArgoUML:
> > http://argouml.tigris.org/
> --
> "Our ignorance is not so vast as our failure to use what we know." -
> M. King Hubbert
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