[Terrapreta] (no subject)

lou gold lou.gold at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 00:24:41 EDT 2007

Hi Naomi,

I want to send blessings to your good work, just a no-big-deal vote of
I hope the kids have fun, learn a bit and escape the various tyrannies of
the experts
who dominate education (and a bunch of other non-problem-solving

hugs from Brazil,


On 10/28/07, naomi luckett <naomiluckett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Allan, Sean and all,
> Yes, the Charcoalab team have skipped the boiological innoculation process
> of Nova Terra Preta creation...
> But that was not the aim of the kit...we have not intended to re-create TP
> in the slightest...
> the logistical nightmare of adding an amount of biological/organic
> nutrients to the kit and trying to get that around the world...was not
> feasable...hell we cant even send seeds!
> We had to do what was most practical!
> The project was never meant to hold any REAL research value...
> It is an EDUCATIONAL tool..we are spreading the TP concept along with
> educating kids about the carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, global warming and
> climate change!
> The kit was never designed for agronomists, mycologists, or backyard TP
> enthusiasts!
> It is for KIDS! We teach them that TP was NOT simply char and that char
> alone can in some cases have a detrimental effect...simply putting char in
> your soil (pot or otherwise) might not do anything...but at least they can
> have a go...they get to learn in a kinesthetic manner about putting char and
> carbon in the ground! even though in all our simple 'pot' trials we have had
> good results. Even the most barren and depleted soils seem to benefit from
> the addition of even just char! (and no soil is totally devoid of
> organic/microbial content!)
> The point is...we are not studying Terra preta...we are spreading the
> message and teaching kids!
> We safely leave the studying to those with the ability to accurately
> examine soil under microscopes and in laboratories...with phd's and all the
> rest...
> This is our contribution and at least we are doing something!
> and something constructive at that!
> We hope that it inspires adults (like teachers and parents and people who
> read about it in the news) to go and check it out for themselves...
> The Charcoalab Team
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