[Terrapreta] no instantaneousness = no overnight

Larry Williams lwilliams at nas.com
Mon Jun 2 12:47:47 CDT 2008

Francoise-------Give me a break. Give us time to work with the  
charcoal or work with charcoal and develop your own opinions.

I just noticed that the fresh Weber made charcoal (in a 5 gal bucket  
of about 20 water to 1 urine, Nooksack River rock dust and comfrey  
leaves-Borage family) sunk after being in the "juice" for about two  
weeks, i.e. the charcoal hydrated. This has been the shortest time  
that it took to hydrate pieces of charcoal that I have accomplished.  
What does this mean? It may mean that this is as close to "instant"  
as it gets.

By the way, how do you describe "sensible" as in ""Explore with the  
curiosity of a SENSIBLE young boy"? Could you mean the "sensibility"  
that a young boy would get in a British boarding school? ...says an  
intergenerational rebel from a former colony-------Larry

psst! thanks for the opportunity...

On Jun 2, 2008, at 9:45 AM, francoise precy wrote:

> I'm disappointed to have been fed untruths. It REALLY does not help.
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