[Terrapreta] FW: Sean 's 290% with chemicals. Priority ordering data.

francoise precy f.precy at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Jun 3 01:36:09 CDT 2008

Sorry Kevin. I thought it was obvious that it was Sean. Really managed to confuse me for months on that gasification thing to start with, has the gall to now come to Michael and I wanting to look like the one in-the-know when it's precisely Michael primarily who's recently made Sean's mess clear for me, repeatedly tweaks facts and / or intentions to his fancy, and splits hair in 4 about it as in his latest 'typo error' (=misguided attention) not to spontaneously admit to himself primarily that  'overnight no instantaneous' back-door-chemical-inducing dream as we ride tp. No wonder some think they can openly behave as in a second-grade kindergarten in here. Enough of it!
It's alright, I'm at peace, have decided to not trust any data he comes up with, just ask others for double-checking of it if I don't find it myself. 
[Sean. You hear all of what I say, not just the bit you want to fight which is your own personal matter. No bargain, I won't go back to "give you proofs": you can find them yourself when you face what in you makes you forget them. Else you are disagreeable in the process while I most desire inspiration for remaining polite *and* attentively interested - not just one or the other; and it won't change the end result: what you do still makes for an unreliable set of data. Point. The only true learning in that, comes by desisting from fight - for you as well btw. I would wish you good day sincerely, if you were able to look at it straight and take it as it's meant but as per above said you too often see your own instead and twist ours then complain you get jinxed. Primary fun, poor puppet show. No point you harking for speedier promotion of tp with that on tow slowing down the schmilblick. As per your own avowed credo, that's all I care about for what you are concerned. I'll respond to you on the matter in kind if you put your *** guns down once and for all in here, and genuinely (that's 100% and nothing else) seek an advance in cooperative awareness. Waste of talent, severely grates and I'm tired feeling sorry for it. Please accept my appreciation for your cooperation, it won't half-help tp as first-line advance. Here end of the matter.] 

Our dear archangel says wants data. I says, the priority is to order the data we've got.
Eh, check. Yeah, he agrees. 
People please would you diligently concentrate on filling up that excel file that someone (was it you Kevin? Sorry, had to change browsers can't find bookmark) started last week or the one before? We should put that link back on board regularly, til it's achieved. I had a quick look at it, got impressed by my own ignorance, made me conclude "it's bound to have people more competent than i on that one, I'll never find all that quick enough!" (sorry :-( got ongoing familial happenings down here. Plus the garden.). 

Thank you Kevin et al. My best regards for all. 

> Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 14:22:46 -0300
> From: kchisholm at ca.inter.net
> To: f.precy at hotmail.co.uk

>> "the 290% improvement in the first year results reported by Drs Steiner, Lehman, and Day were as a result of fertilizers added with the char, and not the char itself."
>> I'm disappointed to have been fed untruths. It REALLY does not help. 
> Could you please clarify who you feel is feeding you untruths?


>> http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/msnnkmgl0010000002ukm/direct/01/
> I checked this reference and it is for an Indiana Jones Movie. :-)

Yeah, we just got that too :-)


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