[Terrapreta] expansion

lou gold lou.gold at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 21:52:01 CDT 2008

Sean, et al,

I want to speak calmly. Yes, the responses sounds hysterical. No, not
because I reject the speculation of catastrophe but because I don't believe
that some sort of grass-roots citizen response from the bottom up can do it.
I think catastrophe is or will be the teacher. We are starting to hit the
wall in a variety of ways and great damage is already in the pipes.

I am not expressing hopelessness. I am saying that in my view great
suffering is approaching and has already arrived for some. The only hopeless
thing would be an effort to change the truth by thinking that there is some
kind of magic bullet out there -- that if we all ran out and did something
that things would suddenly be solved.

Having said that, I also know that in every situation the amount of
suffering is neither fixed nor fated. We are co-creators and we can make
things more or less worse for ourselves and others. This, in my way of
thinking, is what we must start facing with all the calmness and clarity and
creativity and compassion that we can muster. It starts with understanding
how very connected we all are. Together we can make some changes that can
matter at least for some.



On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:26 PM, Mark Ludlow <mark at ludlow.com> wrote:

>  Sean:
> PLS send some GW to PNW; We are having a cold, damp Spring (as usual).
> Mark
> Hi 'terrapreta' list,
> Read this article!  This is scary shit boys and girls.  If atmospheric CO2
> concentrations rise to 1000 ppm, then the annual global temperature average
> will increase by ... 5.35 * ln(1000/387) = 5.08 degrees F (or 9.14 degrees
> C).  Most living species of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms on
> land, in the sky, and in the water will become extinct (> 95%) when this
> happens.   This includes humans, unless we learn to eat hot dirt and sand to
> survive.

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