[Terrapreta] tipping point

Greg and April gregandapril at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 4 12:49:29 CDT 2008

Negative, that is what you would like me to do, but it is not my task.

My task is to learn if TP will benefit local soils.

If TP sequesters carbon ( which I have never said it doesn't ), it is a beneficial ( in the view of many people ) side effect of my quest to improve the soil.

But since you asked, I will answer, as the answer is very simple.

There is absolutely no need for all this stuff - just make the char and put it in a place where it's not going to be bothered.

If all you want to do, is sequester carbon, then there is absolutely no need to understand the soil mechanics, soil biology, soil chemistry, growing test plots or anything else involved with what we are doing on this TP list.    

Just make char and burry any place that is covenant be it in old mines, by deep sea trenching, mixing with lime cement to create the foundations of a artificial reef, as fill under new building construction or what ever other means that you want to ( or can ).

Some of these would actually be easier ( and probably cheaper ) than all this biological testing, trying to understand the nature of TP, and then trying to convince farmers to spend the money on something that is not going to return any benefits for at least the first couple of years.

Greg H.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: lou gold 
  To: Greg and April 
  Cc: Terra Preta 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 11:24
  Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] tipping point


  It is your task to explain why you don't see carbon sequestration in the soil as related to terra preta.

  I'm waiting with interest.


  On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Greg and April <gregandapril at earthlink.net> wrote:

    Want me to say he is hysterical?    Ok, he is hysterical.    Are you happy now?

    Why would I want to read something most likely has little substance and allot of opinion that I know you are using to fan the flames in the first place?

    Greg H.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Sean K. Barry 
      To: Terra Preta ; lou gold 
      Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 8:23
      Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] tipping point

      Hi 'terrapreta' list,

      Thanks for yet another nice, controversial post, Lou.  I can always count on you.


      Somebody please say Bill McKibben is hysterical ... Kurt, Greg, Kevin?  

    Terrapreta mailing list
    Terrapreta at bioenergylists.org

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