[Terrapreta] tipping point

Sean K. Barry sean.barry at juno.com
Wed Jun 4 15:25:02 CDT 2008

Hi Greg,

I think if you check, you will find that in almost every case, that what anti-AGW I have posted, has been in RESPONSE to someone else posting stuff that had little to do with TP other than promoting pro AGW for the sake of promoting the pro AGW agenda - certianly this last little bit with Sean is a perfect example.

What in the hell is wrong with you?!  Lou and I have repeated this dozens of times.  We think Terra Preta Nova (the work towards the formation of new Terra Preta soils) is something that is ... to quote Lou, "... a multi-benefit formulation in which terra preta addresses climate change, water conservation, and deforestation as well as soil enhancement."  To quote Lorenzo ..."-TP offers: renewable energy, food, ecosystem services and carbon sequestration; all this possibly even while turning a profit instead of costing us".

You do too try to censor us.  You say AGW is OFF TPOIC ... you just said it again and how it chaps your ass to hear it.  I say TOO BAD!  Its topical because Terra Preta can do something about it.  Do you hear anybody in here telling you that anything you make up to say is OFF TOPIC?  You can keep your head buried in the sand about AGW all you want.  Its isn't going to stop or go away because you do.  That's not my care.

Why don't you consider us that know AGW is correct as allies that want to make Terra Preta Nova a reality in the 21st century?  It might further your aims to cooperate with that request.  Did you think of that, schmart guy?!   Why not just desist with the slamming anybody who won't comply with your assertion that AGW is not real or that it isn't topical in this forum.  Our view is that is it topical, a viable solution for GW/GCC, and a COMMON AIM with anyone who wants TP for any other reasons.  Kevin Chisholm, you can do the same.  You myopic, self-righteous people who are incapable of lateral thinking chap my ass (and I'm not even saying you are OFF-TOPIC).

If you want to think GW/GCC amelioration is a side benefit for your goals with TP, then so be it.  You get to hold your opinions.  LEt anyone else's alone unless you want to drop the insulting dismissals.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Greg and April<mailto:gregandapril at earthlink.net> 
  To: lou gold<mailto:lou.gold at gmail.com> 
  Cc: Terra Preta<mailto:terrapreta at bioenergylists.org> 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] tipping point

  Interspaced in Blue.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: lou gold<mailto:lou.gold at gmail.com> 
    To: Greg and April<mailto:gregandapril at earthlink.net> 
    Cc: Terra Preta<mailto:terrapreta at bioenergylists.org> 
    Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 11:59
    Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] tipping point


    What I don't understand is 

    1) why you would want to censor out the concerns of others whose agendas are different from yours 

    Who said anything about censoring?    I personaly am of the opinion that GW issues are somewhat Off Topic, but the thing that realy bothers me, is the use of the forum to try and convince me ( and others that don't believe in anthropologic global warming ) that it is real.    It has become an issue of people using something I am interested in to SPAM me with stuff I am not interested in, because I try my best to not get involved in it off list.

    2) why do you consistently express opinions about things that you say are not of interest to you.

    When someone pushes you, do you not push back???    Is not the counter to an acid, a base???
    I think you are misunderstaking "intrest" for the loathing I have for the bombardment of pro AGW stuff, in the attempt to sway me to believe in it.    

    Perhaps you can clarify?

    If the truth be known, while I consider my self a skeptic on AGW, I probably am starting to take a honist anti-AGW stance, just to defend my self from the pushyness of pro-AWG people trying to sway me to their beliefes.    I really hate people that get pushy.    If they want to believe in it, fine - but don't expect me to join them, and if they get pushy about it - I'm going to start to push back in defense.

    I think if you check, you will find that in almost every case, that what anti-AGW I have posted, has been in RESPONSE to someone else posting stuff that had little to do with TP other than promoting pro AGW for the sake of promoting the pro AGW agenda - certianly this last little bit with Sean is a perfect example.

    In the past 5-7 yrs, I have been given no choice but to learn a few things about AGW, in order to defend my self from the onslaught - so you can say I certianly have an opinion about the subject, and the people that would push it down other peoples throat uninvited.

    Greg H.
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