[Terrapreta] tipping point

Greg and April gregandapril at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 4 17:20:41 CDT 2008


You know who most of the pro AGW folks on this list is, there is nothing that is keeping you from sending them the pro AGW information directly - absolutely nothing.    

Yet by sending it to the list you are forcing folks to at the very least look at it - even if it's only long enough to know what it is and delete it, especially when it's labeled something obscure like  " Tipping point " - then people HAVE to read what has been posted, just to find out what the tipping point is that you are talking about.

If you don't want to push it at people or have people feel like you are - either send it out individually or put something like [AGW] in the subject line as a warning so we can set our computers up to automatically delete them as they come in.

Greg H.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: lou gold 
  To: Greg and April 
  Cc: Terra Preta 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:49
  Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] tipping point

  But Greg, the answer is truly simple. I am not posting here in order to convince you of anything, nor am I pushing on you. Indeed, I have you in mind when making a post only when I use your name (as above). For the most part, I post for others. 

  I know that you are skeptical of AGW. Fine. I have no problem with that. Viva diversity! I welcome your presence and your opinions. And when they are not interesting to me I simply don't read them. 

  If I don't want certain things pushed down my throat, I simply close my mouth about them.


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