[Terrapreta] tipping point and all that

Kurt Treutlein rukurt at westnet.com.au
Thu Jun 5 00:04:51 CDT 2008

That tipping point business. The man says we're past the point and from 
here on it's a matter of adapting to changes.  That's ok, I'm inured to 
living the rest of my time in "interesting times" (that chinese curse).

On the other hand, the cooling people tell us that Global warming 
stopped back in 1998 and things could get a whole lot colder very 
shortly, with the possibility of a Maunder Minimum, or worse. 
Interesting times again.

Then there's peak oil. They tell us that oil is going to get harder to 
come by in the future, just when China and India and a lot of the rest 
of the third world wants more energy to raise their standard of living. 
Interesting times.

Then we have the worlds economic problems. The USA is said to be so 
heavily in debt, due to financial greediness and lack of regulation of 
it's financial sector that it's not funny. If they melt down, so do we. 
Interesting times.

Then there's the whole business of food scarcity and globalism and all 
that. More interesting times.

Well, one man's problem can be another's opportunity. Where I live, that 
little island off the bottom of Australia, where some say all the 
rubbish from the mainland accumulated until an Island was formed, I'm 
hoping to avoid some of the climatic problems, even though we are in the 
grip of a drought, even here at present. BUT, I'm going to make charcoal 
and see if that won't improve my already excellent soil, and perhaps, in 
time, when I have something to show others around here, I might be able 
to help them improve theirs as well.

SO, let's all get on with it.



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