[Terrapreta] Sean

Mark Ludlow mark at ludlow.com
Thu Jun 5 00:34:24 CDT 2008

Really! Is this a substitute for a spirited debate based on accepted facts
or well-formed hypotheses?

It's a joy to hear of real experiences and learning and a drag and
embarrassment to have to have to witness this ad hominem approach to ego

Tone-down the rhetoric! If that's impossible, challenge each other to a
duel! Anything is preferable than this--so reminiscent of dogs running
around in a circle, sniffing each other's asses, attempting to determine who
is the Alpha Male.


-----Original Message-----
From: terrapreta-bounces at bioenergylists.org
[mailto:terrapreta-bounces at bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Kurt Treutlein
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 10:10 PM
To: Terra Preta
Subject: [Terrapreta] Sean

I see that Sean seems to have left. I hope he finds a forum where he 
can  proseletyse about TP as a solution to GW. I also hope he can find 
the time to grow a garden, it's good for the soul.



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