[Terrapreta] Research and knowledge

Robert Klein arclein at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 7 23:58:53 CDT 2008

There has been a lot of parallel work done on zeolites over the past thirty years which should be integrated, notably in Cuba were ample volcanic ash exists.  That could help structure our efforts.


----- Original Message ----
From: Roy Lent <rwlent at gmail.com>
To: terrapreta at bioenergylists.org
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2008 3:06:40 PM
Subject: [Terrapreta] Research and knowledge

I would say that we "TPers" are desperately in need of a research institute! We are primitives just starting to nibble around the edge of a process that may lead in unforeseen directions. If, as it appears, surface area at the microscopic level is of prime importance, then my original assumption that the finer you pulverize the char, the better, makes sense. It would indicate that if the char is saturated with water and frozen, its activity would improve ... maybe. There is an almost infinity of variables possible as to substrate, processing, soil type where it is used, time in the ground, etc. 
We are a group that knows it has an effect that is useful and would like to use it but we don't know very much about it. I suspect that in the future thick textbooks will be published on this subject but at this time we don't even know many of the chapter titles! I feel like an old time alchemist trying to discover cold fusion.

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