[Terrapreta] New talk from Wade Davis

lou gold lou.gold at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 17:01:26 CDT 2008

Here's a new one from one of the world's great storytellers.
Wade Davis is a highly regarded enthnobotantist, researcher, photographer
and current endangered cultures adviser to the History Channel and National

*Wade Davis:*<http://tr.subscribermail.com/cc.cfm?sendto=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eted%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%2Ftalks%2Fview%2Fid%2F273&tempid=87cabf6723a44f3d90a8e5ce4695fe78&mailid=ff6dfd43715e404aacd8e5ce4695fe78>
worldwide web of belief and
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual
that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder
Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds
the world in balance. *Watch this talk
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