[Terrapreta] What is TP?

Kevin Chisholm kchisholm at ca.inter.net
Sun Jun 22 08:33:21 CDT 2008

Dear Kurt
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kurt Treutlein 
To: Terra Preta 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Terrapreta] What is TP?

Kevin Chisholm wrote: News clip terra preta
> Two days ago, I started a new thread: "What is Terra Preta?" I 
> received one off-list reply, but there was not one reply to the List. 
> Not one. Nada. Zilch. Rien. A'bheag. I thought that this thread would 
> stimulate intelligent discussion, but so far, I was very wrong.
Well no Kevin, you asked a whole swag of questions, and (I for one could 
not be bothered going through them), so you got no reply from me.

Thanks for the feedback. In my opinion, these are the sort of questions we need to answer. I say that because I am running some humble TP tests now, and I am very aware of all teh things I might be doing wrong. 

What would you think of making up a list of necessary answers that a "Future TP Practicioner" must know, and then proceeding methodically to get them? 

Once we have the list of "needed answers, we can then proceed to get them methodically. My mistake mwas to pose too many questions at once. 

Q: How do you eat an Elephant? 
A: One bite at a time. :-)

Like eating elephants, there are a lot of questions about TP, but we should be able to answer them if we proceed methodically, one bite at a time.

What would you suggest as a way to proceed from here?

Best Wishes,




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