[Terrapreta] What is TP?

Kurt Treutlein rukurt at westnet.com.au
Sun Jun 22 19:09:02 CDT 2008

Kevin Chisholm wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback. In my opinion, these are the sort of 
> questions we need to answer. I say that because I am running some 
> humble TP tests now, and I am very aware of all teh things I might be 
> doing wrong.
> What would you think of making up a list of necessary answers that a 
> "Future TP Practicioner" must know, and then proceeding methodically 
> to get them?
I think it's putting the cart before the horse. First experiment with 
putting charcoal in soil, in your particular area, and follow whatever 
leads and byways this takes you to. THEN you will be able to come up 
with answers to the questions that people might raise when they look at 
what you have done and where it took you.

Raising questions now suggests that you already have all the answrs and 
just want to put the knowledge out there in the form of a faq.
> Once we have the list of "needed answers, we can then proceed to get 
> them methodically. My mistake mwas to pose too many questions at once.
> Q: How do you eat an Elephant?
> A: One bite at a time. :-)
First you need a cutting implement to get something off the elephant 
that you can actually eat
> What would you suggest as a way to proceed from here?



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