[Terrapreta] Refining Bio-oil to a Diesel/Gasoline substitute

Justin Olsson marinebio72 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 10:48:32 CDT 2008

To All:

Does anyone know where I can find information on "upgrading" biooil to 
be used as a substitute directly for diesel/gasoline? There is explicit 
reference to it in The Charcoal Vision: A Win–Win–Win Scenario for 
Simultaneously Producing Bioenergy, Permanently Sequestering Carbon, 
while Improving Soil and Water Quality, but the source that it lists 
only discusses it tangentially, and no numbers are provided. If anyone 
knows of a source for this, please let me know -- it does not have to be 
freely available -- I have access to pretty much every journal in existence.


Justin Olsson

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