[Terrapreta] Fw: ? GHG emissions from Biomass Combustion ?

jim mason jimmason at whatiamupto.com
Tue Mar 11 19:15:18 CDT 2008

> Nitrous oxide-N2O emissions come primarily from decomposition of
> industrially produced, fossil fuel based, high nitrogen fertilizers.
> TP soils do not need as much high nitrogen fertilizers as native soils.
> Make TP, reduce fertilizer use, and reduce N2O emissions.
> Regards,


thank you for the summary.

i'm wondering if you or others have numbers for the current best
undertanding of total climatic effects from human induced n2o
emissions vs co2.  and really ch4 too?  i have not researched the
volumes of each added from "industrial" sources, so can't use the
multipliers to get to useful approximations to remember.

or in other terms, what can we speculate are the percentage ghg
impacts of industrial agriculture vs industrial energy?



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