[Terrapreta] Char sizes

Saibhaskar Nakka saibhaskarnakka at gmail.com
Tue May 6 08:39:33 CDT 2008

 Dear Larry Williams,

>  With a minimum of human urine (three or four times) used as fertilizer,
> the charcoal and charred wood laid on the ground. I was impressed with the
> rich human scent when the small pile was pick-up and transfered to the
> garden bed. I had no idea the strength of urine... the rain did not wash the
> urine away. The scent indicated to me that the charcoal had absorbed some
> urine and it is possible that it help to wet the charcoal.

Yes, the charcoal with urine appreared more wetter to me while doing the
experiment. The contents in the urine might be able to retain more moisture
than releasing it. I have published the photos on result of urine on
saplings in the blog http://e-terrapretarooftopexp.blogspot.com/

Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy
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